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slamming 6

Drag Master
Jul 21, 2003
thank you all and anybody who have posted info on alcohol injection.I have gotten great information from this board I just installed a (DIY) alcohol injection system from this info every thing works great shurflo,m15,PAC,all constructed from the info here.I went from 17lbs&6*to 23&1.9*on the shift running chevron 93. next up track testing I will post the results from both with and with out alcohol 17lbs&20plus lbs of boost THANKS.
I'm sure Steve Monroe, who was good enough to share a great DIY recipe, and Razor, who has come up with a great progressive alchohol control, are very happy for your success with your alky kit. If anything I may have said helped you, I'm happy to pass along any information that helps guys save money on modifications.

If any of you haven't installed an alky kit on your car......What are you waiting for? For very little money, you can go .5 to 1.0 seconds faster in the quarter mile. ;)
yes you have,your replyfrom a recent post on removing the filter was very helpful I took mine off and looked at it trashed in less than a week alcohol is very corrosive stuff.thanks red regal T.
Glad all the info and resources helped you out.


razor I copied the box you use for your controler Iam using the jcar kit for the control on the system and had the pots and PCB in one box that was to much so I copied from your kit and mounted the pots in a smaller box and put them in the same place as in your pics of the gn install thank you posting alot of great info.