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Thanks fot hosting the Meet TurboBob!


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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Just wanted to give a BIG thumbs up to Bob for hosting the Meet Yesturday! Noah, Ashley, Zac, and I had a great time even though I couldnt bring the Buick! I didnt have a chance to talk to half the people I wanted to yesturday but it was great day!!!!
Thanks for hosting the Meet TurboBob!

Second that! We appreciate your efforts, BOB.

A great day. Lots of great cars as you all know, including quite afew we hadn't seen ..... and another fine location.

Good to meet you and the family including a real Porsche TURBO!

Thanks again.
Nancy & Bob
Good Job BOB! The porshe was lookin good, alot of progress since I had seen it last!

Also.. I'm not sure if the Trophy you gave me was supposed to be for "people's choice" for the car show, or "people's champ" that has been much argued about. If it is the later, then you put it in the right hands. If your intent was for me to pick the best of show... there were too many absolutely beautiful buicks for me to make that decision, and we would have to decide what happens to the little trophy dude. lol
Yes indeed, Bob you did a great job taking charge and making this another success full event. This is getting to a big event that most of the locals look forward to attend every year.
Yesterday I received over 10 calls from the guys that couldn't make it saying how disappointed they are that they couldn't make it due to other obligations.

We can thank Jeremy for his passion for getting this started 4 years ago.

As always another big thanks to the "other Bob" for yet another year of bending over backwards to get T shirts made for all of us. That it self adds a special touch to the event makes it memorable every time we wear it.


B O B Bob did a great job. I hope you got the coil pack swapped out and everything is good now.


I thought Dr. Boost was gonna wrestle you to the ground for it when he saw the trophy but since Megan was there I think he was trying to be on his best behavior. Hopefully you guys will settle this soon.

D**n it, I wish I could've made it! I tried but Work just wouldn't allow this year:mad: By the looks of the pics there were some very nice rides there, oh well, next year!!!
Ya, there will always be next year. I am just waiting for Jeremy to post the questions " who is going to do it and where":D


I thought Dr. Boost was gonna wrestle you to the ground for it when he saw the trophy but since Megan was there I think he was trying to be on his best behavior. Hopefully you guys will settle this soon.


I am sure we will :eek:
Thanks Bob. I appreciate yours and everyone’s efforts who made this happen. Lots of great cars I really enjoyed myself.
