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The Numbers Game with the (SPI) Trunk ID Label - Kirban


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kirban 2 cents worth

On the trunk ID label. One interesting code is the VK3 which stands for front license plating mounting. On a quick run down on this lengthy post almost every trunk ID label shows it. However, my car doesn't as does a few other low number examples.

Since it was a no charge option, interesting that it is not included on every car. I don't know the count of states that require front plates versus states that only issue a rear plate. Perhaps Mr Salvage can give us the numbers as I am sure rear plate states are the smaller number.

Most cars today have the clean curved front ends, unless they have a "pop in" section look terrible with front plates. Corvettes and GTOs come to mind as looking weird with front plates.

Our cars almost did not need any bracket however, the front bumper does have a small curve in it which would bend a plate unless the front license plate bracket was installed. It was secured under the front lip of the bumper I think with 2 ten mm bolts. The top two bolt holes originally had two plastic extensions that kept whatever plate was bolted to it from being pressed against the face of the bumper.

I have the window sticker to my car and it originally sold in Pennsylvania which does not issue front plates - thank goodness. Reason no VK3 code.

kirban 2 cents worth

the other trivia question open any to past winners has also hit a stumbling block for particpants.

Majority rules do you want to call it quits? No winners? Advise

Again the clues are:

Spring loaded seat

Capacity anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 lbs (however, larger ones were also built for other purposes).

The ones I am thinking of, where actually made by a car company

Roughly 7 feet long by 3 1/2 feet wide but that size can vary.

Very limited paint schemes.

Ones in question where made in America

The answer is not a car/truck/military vehicle/motorcycle

Top prize is a unique book that covers the first 100 years of GM history. I bought the last 12 the publisher had. Great book I just scanned part of it earlier tonite. Full color. Packed with great info o the History of GM.

The second hundred years of GM may be in trouble. Not to mention we won't be around to view it first hand.

This book is the prize.....

If several respond saying they want to quit this contest question we will give the answer.

kirban 2 cents worth

Been asked to give another clue on this question

The type vehicle I am seeking the answer for, was very popular at one time. It did not serve just one use.

In an unusual twist of fate I have discovered that, the company that makes the reproduction grille springs for our company made springs for this vehicle as well!

I think that you may be looking for the seat belt bolt cover for the front seat belts it has a very large + on it as well. it's black to match the rest of the black plastic that supports the receptcle end of the seat belt unit.

That my best i'm tired of staring at my poor car lol

I think that you may be looking for the seat belt bolt cover for the front seat belts it has a very large + on it as well. it's black to match the rest of the black plastic that supports the receptcle end of the seat belt unit.

That my best i'm tired of staring at my poor car lol

kirban 2 cents worth

I admire your continued efforts, but again not correct. From your post it appears you own a GN. Remember the part that is the answer only will be on a factory GN/GNX or WH1 car. Your seat belt answer is on all turbo regals.

For some reason everyone that is guessing is failing to see that part of the clues. You first need to establish what is on the cars I mention that is not on other Turbo Regals.

That clue should set off a lite bulb with someone....

member its just as hard for me to come up with trivia that can't be tracked down for answers on the internet.
horseless carriage?

kirban 2 cents worth

the other trivia question open any to past winners has also hit a stumbling block for particpants.

Majority rules do you want to call it quits? No winners? Advise

Again the clues are:

Spring loaded seat

Capacity anywhere from 1,000 to 2,000 lbs (however, larger ones were also built for other purposes).

The ones I am thinking of, where actually made by a car company

Roughly 7 feet long by 3 1/2 feet wide but that size can vary.

Very limited paint schemes.

Ones in question where made in America

The answer is not a car/truck/military vehicle/motorcycle

Top prize is a unique book that covers the first 100 years of GM history. I bought the last 12 the publisher had. Great book I just scanned part of it earlier tonite. Full color. Packed with great info o the History of GM.

The second hundred years of GM may be in trouble. Not to mention we won;t be around to view it first hand.

This book is the prize.....

If several respond saying they want to quit this contest question we will give the answer.

ok how about a horseless carriage? or a horse drawn carriage

kirban 2 cents worth

On the continued saga of finding a 50 count and a 100 count label. The timing of this focus is perfect with the GS Nats next week. With a good assortment of Turbo Regals in one place, it will be interesting to see if one can be found in either or both categories.

We have been there every year since 1988 as a vendor. Obviousily as a vendor I won't be able to check every turbo car out. So, not only will we have a prize for the owner of a car that shows a 50 count or less or a 100 count we will award a equal value prize to the person that finds such a car and lets me know so we can
verify it.

Also if you have a car for sale and you are there let us know. In years past we have bought several, and we also seek are paid commissions to find certain cars for buyers that can't attend, but trust my judgement as to what they are seeking.

This year is no exception. Also, Richard Clark (ZDDPLus™) and I have agreed that every hour we will conduct a raffle in our vendor spot and be awarding a free bottle of Zddplus™.

The TSA class as many of you know has the highest payout in the racing portion of the event. It doubles if the same winner places in silver or higher in the car show judging event.

Have gotten a few pm and no one has decided to quit on the trivia question concerning the vehicle ID.

Dennis and I email a bit, thought I'd share our findings:cool:

The cars are pretty close.

Here are the codes that are different:


AU3-PW Locks_____________C49 - Electric Defogger
J42- RR Alum.______________G80 - Posi
UM6- Auto Rev Cass________J41 - Cast Iron
VK3-Ft Lic Plate____________UA1 - HD Battery
__________________________UX1 - Graphic Equ,

Everything else is the same until we get to the end of the PRO list. I'm not sure of the codes?


6YX Springs?___________6YX - Springs?
7YU Springs?___________62B- ??
8PZ Springs?___________62I- ??
828- ??________________629- ??
82I-Int Med Dk Gray______7YU- Springs
829-Belt Med Dk Gray_____8PZ- Springs?
9PZ-Springs??___________9PZ- Springs?

I guess the 62I and 629 is Dennis interior color and seat belt color? I think that all the codes that match between our cars would be required to make the car, engine suspension, etc. Dennis has Electric Defroster, Posi, HD battery and mine has the PW locks and Ft Lic plate bracket. There's the difference of our totals. So I think we are very close to the minimum a turbo car could have. If I didn't have PW Locks and Ft Plate, I'd be at 49. If Dennis's didn't have Defroster, Posi, and HD Battery you'd also be at 49.

I hope someone can find one, it would be neat to compare it to ours.

I think the lowest possible is 49:confused:
kirban 2 cents worth

On the continued saga of finding a 50 count and a 100 count label. The timing of this focus is perfect with the GS Nats next week. With a good assortment of Turbo Regals in one place, it will be interesting to see if one can be found in either or both categories.
If you're looking for a 100 count car I think that Victor's D84 Blue/Lt. Blue would be a good place to start. That car is incredible!

As for the trivia question, I'm out of guesses.:confused:
If you're looking for a 100 count car I think that Victor's D84 Blue/Lt. Blue would be a good place to start. That car is incredible!

As for the trivia question, I'm out of guesses.:confused:

kirban 2 cents worth

The person you are referring to is he out of Texas has opera lites on the pillars 2 tone paint Limited?

That car would have a good shot at the 100 mark....

I have seen this car at the GS Nats in years past....
Dennis and I email a bit, thought I'd share our findings:cool:

The cars are pretty close.

Here are the codes that are different:


AU3-PW Locks_____________C49 - Electric Defogger
J42- RR Alum.______________G80 - Posi
UM6- Auto Rev Cass________J41 - Cast Iron
VK3-Ft Lic Plate____________UA1 - HD Battery
__________________________UX1 - Graphic Equ,

Everything else is the same until we get to the end of the PRO list. I'm not sure of the codes?


6YX Springs?___________6YX - Springs?
7YU Springs?___________62B- ??
8PZ Springs?___________62I- ??
828- ??________________629- ??
82I-Int Med Dk Gray______7YU- Springs
829-Belt Med Dk Gray_____8PZ- Springs?
9PZ-Springs??___________9PZ- Springs?

I guess the 62I and 629 is Dennis interior color and seat belt color? I think that all the codes that match between our cars would be required to make the car, engine suspension, etc. Dennis has Electric Defroster, Posi, HD battery and mine has the PW locks and Ft Lic plate bracket. There's the difference of our totals. So I think we are very close to the minimum a turbo car could have. If I didn't have PW Locks and Ft Plate, I'd be at 49. If Dennis's didn't have Defroster, Posi, and HD Battery you'd also be at 49.

I hope someone can find one, it would be neat to compare it to ours.

I think the lowest possible is 49:confused:

kirban 2 cents worth

Appreciate Rich taking the time to crunch numbers however, if I did not have tinted glass and body side molding which I think was 11Q code for white as my car is white outside with tan interior it would drop 2 more numbers and it would be around 47-48 code.

No matter how you look at it 50 is a possible number. Below it and the turbo regal would be extremely rare. Having a GN with 50 or less would be extremely rare. The 9PZ code is for the one rear spring.

Glad I thought of this trunk ID label thing just prior to GS Nats as now on a bigger scale we can see first hand outside of the readers of this thread if
indeed a car 23-25 years later exists with 50 or 100 codes.

I already have the next Buick turbo trivia question figured out but no winners to the current one yet.

No prizes had to be sent out today.....

Definition of a garage sale: A means for moving your junk to a new location.
kirban 2 cents worth

We FINALLY have a contest winner to the vehicle question but not the turbo buick trivia question.

Tonite will announce the winner which is someone above on this thread and give some background on the answer. I had to re-read some of the answers.

Took a little longer this time than most....'
Great job
kirban 2 cents worth

As stated earlier we do have a winner on the vehicle trivia contest, finally, 1sloGN above send me pm wit your full address. You will get one of the last 12 of the 100 Anniversary GM books published last year. Very informative book covers a lot of old info etc on GM....hope you see this post before Monday as after that I can't ship it until I return from GS Nats.

I almost missed your answer because you put it at the end of another guess.

The correct answer is a horse dawn carriage.....

Now I know what everyone is wondering what tie in is that with our Buicks? Believe it or not there is a link. I won't make it a trivia question as no one would be able to figure it out. However, I can pose another trivia question off the answer to this one that I was not aware of.

Congrads go to 1slgn.....him like several others really kept at it...more history lessons to come.
kirban 2 cents worth

Relating to the horse drawn carriage answer. This question is open to anyone. The prize is one of the remaining 12 copies of the 100 year GM books that I recently bought.

Here goes:

Only one manufacfurer of carriages and wagons would make the successful switch from carriages etc to gasoline powered vehicles - cars.

Name that car company!

Clock is ticking

May be others but this company was the most successful!


One of the below will be at every garage sale you see: Old clothes, books, fish aquarium, exercise equipment seldom used. Rite?
kirban 2 cents worth

The tie in between old carriages and wagons and the Turbo Buicks. The connection happened by accident.

As many of you know we make GTO/Pontiac parts for over 25 plus years. One of our most successful products has been the clutch springs we make. We make the 1964-65 GTO clutch spring (only took one spring those years), the 1966-67 (2 springs), 1968-1972 version (2 springs). Had them made way back around 1983-84. We sell to all the major companies. Probably the only supplier of them.

The company that makes them is not far from our shop and produces them in the USA. I never realized it until recently but they happen to be the oldest spring company in the USA. Founded back in 1850. Company name is still the same. Originally started in New Haven, Connecticut then moved to my state.

Back in the 1850 time period they made carriage springs, seat springs etc for carriages and the like. They even lay claim to inventing the original patents for the hydraulic shock absorber for cars.

We were fortunate that they would make small runs produciton runs for us over the years. When I saw the GM price for the Buick grille springs jump to $16 and $18 each I knew we could put out a better product and even have it painted so it would not rust immediately. Plus grille spring tension is nothing compared to the clutch springs they made for us. This company makes elevator springs, and the military is a major customer of theirs.

So, they make our Turbo Buick reproduction grille springs that we sell. We sell them in pairs cheaper than the GM list price was for one of them!

true story

Buick trivia contest still has no winner!
Henry Ford went on to found the Ford Motor Company and became one of the two outstanding automobile tycoon of the founding years, that is roughly the period between 1896 and 1920. The other one was William Crapo Durant, the grandson of millionaire lumber baron and Michigan governor Henry Howland Crapo. As a young man, W. C. Durant associated with Josiah Dallas Dort and became one of America’s leading manufacturers of horse-drawn carriages, establishing his factories in the family’s adopted hometown : Flint, Michigan.

In 1904 Durant was already a millionaire, when the directors of the Flint Wagon Works approached him with the plea to save the Buick Motor Company, an automobile manufacturer they had taken over as an attempt to shift their production from carraiages to cars. Durant did such a good job in reorganizing Buick and selling its cars, that he launched himself on one of the most astounding careers in the American automotive industry.

I'll Have to say BUICK:cool:

The AMC guy claims the prize!

Figures guy who owns probably AMC cars another now orphan car would know the answer. Pontiac now joins the ranks of AMC/ Studebaker etc

Studebaker is correct...

They started way way back 1852....

Bill send me pm with your full name & address so I can send you your prize....

Studebaker was ahead of its time in several instances. One that I personally remember is the 1963 Hawk I owned had disc brakes...something that others such as GM at least did not offer unti like 1967? Maybe Corvettes sooner but in the GTO 1967 was the first year and it was an option...

Course President Lincoln took his fateful ride to the Fords Theatre in a Studebaker Carriage.....

Didn't take long to reach answer....

Good job

Mixed up my ending