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The Numbers Game with the (SPI) Trunk ID Label - Kirban


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May your power antenna keep working.

Dennis, as I've said before 99% of Buick Owners NEVER have this problem anymore 'cause they SIMPLY Un-Plug it in the UP Position...mine Still has the Orginal 23 year old Perfectly Functioning antenna, Un=Plugged in the UP Position....
kirban 2 cents worth

I think your percentage is on the high side....however, I will agree on one thing....just as many that are in the up position with the car off, is because it has failed and its unplugged.

On the other side of the coin the antenna should not have such a high failure rate, as power antennas is not some new invention in 1984-1987. They should have been pretty much perfected by the time our cars were built to with stand the simple principle of going up when you turn it on and going down when you turn the radio off.

New Buick trivia question coming soon.
kirban 2 cents worth

On the current turbo buick trivia question, that seems to have stumped the players. We are upping the prize value to $100.00

First correct posted answer wins the $100 in value of prizes.

No past winners or Buick related employees etc can participate.

Clues in review:

The part I am seeking is not made in metal.

The cars that have it have 2 from the factory

It is basically the size of your plastic horn medallion ( 1 1/2 inch diameter circle)

It can only be found on any original GN/GNX/WH1 example

The clock has been ticking a looong time on this contest.

Member, you can never have enough garage space, or a big enough driveway. The bigger the driveway, the less lawn you gotta mow!

The bigger the garage, the more projects it can house.

When my garage floor was laid we put a GN emblem in the concrete. Perhaps 50-75 years from now the next owners will wonder what it is for? Old days they would put a date block on a building that is what gave me the idea.
It looks like it says 08/87. I'm not exactly sure because the label is so worn. Is there any other way of checking the build date? Can't it be done by the VIN?

With my car being so low optioned, why does my car have so many RPOs? Is there a bunch of heavy duty codes on there? Or is it because of all the codes that go along with the WE4 package?
It looks like it says 08/87. I'm not exactly sure because the label is so worn. Is there any other way of checking the build date? Can't it be done by the VIN?

With my car being so low optioned, why does my car have so many RPOs? Is there a bunch of heavy duty codes on there? Or is it because of all the codes that go along with the WE4 package?

kirban 2 cents worth

The codes on the trunk ID label pertain to the specific car in general, not just option related. Example aluminum bumper supports they were not an option that you picked out when you ordered the car but the code tells the assembly worker to install them on the car just like aluminum brake drums. Obviousily options add code numbers to the basic numbers that appear. Also each spring required a different part number so there is 4 numbers. It's like the DNA for your car.

Your car is a very very late production if indeed you are reading it correctly. As I stated way way back in this thread a decision was made to make an additional 10,000 GNs which kept production of them going thru December of 1987.

The body number plate up by the cowl under the hood has a time built code but frankly I have seen different variations some with not enough codes on the top line to make sense. The GN facts and Figures book gives some info but not how to read the codes from glancing at that info.

I am sure Mr Salvage if he is reading this can pinpoint what code across the top line of that body plate you need to read and how to read it.

Another option, is did you ever run a car fax on your car? Sometimes that can show when the car was first registered and that would be within 30-60 days more than likely of when it was built.

There is also a date on the broadcast sheets the one in the door and the one in the seat cushion if you ever have pulled them.

In looking at my records, they used 8-17-87 as the starting date to build that last 10,000 GNs. So your WE4 could be near the end of normal production, problem is we only know the end of total production which happened in December of 1987.

Had production ended normally instead of being extended then it would be easier to figure out where your VIN fell.

My point being all the VINS ran together on Regal production making it difficult to zero in on your car and how it stacks up against others.
The only connection that I can make between a stock GN/GNX/WH1 is the rear spoiler on the trunk. Is it a plastic washer or something that has to do with the spoiler?
I have a GM service manual for an 88 camaro. It has codes in there. I would think they would be the same. I will check it out tomorrow and see if it makes sense. As far as a carfax, I haven't done one. No time like the present!
kirban 2 cents worth

I really don't want to give any more clues since the prize value is $100 now.

If you make a guess be clear in your guess as to what it is...
I'm telling you that's my answer. I don't have one to look at, but it has to be a plastic washer since you said that the part is not metal, it's rounds and about an inch and a half in a circular diameter.

kirban 2 cents worth

I will accept your answer as you are 99% correct.....I would not consider it a washer because it does not have a hole in it. The answer I was seeking is it is the 2 plastic plugs that GM used one on each end hole on the trunk lid to hide the hole for the end stud on the end of the spoiler...

Had someone stated 2 plastic plugs to fill in the spoiler stud holes, after you I would have also award you something as well since you were on the rite track...

So, send me a pm with your full address...$100 value of prizes will be sent. Try and do it by Monday so I can ship before I leave for BG....


Took awhile for people to figure that one out...
kirban 2 cents worth

New Buick Turbo Trivia contest:

No past winners or Buick Turbo employees can participate.

Prize value $50

I have a 700 mile original GN sitting in my garage to verify everything.

Earlier in this thread, we asked to give us a count and name the various filters/screens etc you would find under the hood of a original 1986-1987 Turbo Regal.

This question is similar in nature.

Only this time I want you to list every paper like decal/sticker that can be found on an original 1987 Turbo Regal brand new (not a GNX) that is found under the hood.

Nothing on the suspension counts.

No paper stickers on any WIRE looms counts. Example, the two wire looms on the drivers side inner fender.

We will not count the battery since I can't recall how many seperate labels are on the original white sided battery.

Do not count any label that is related to an option, only what would appear on every 1987 Turbo Regal when it left the factory. Example: If a paper decal existed on the cruise bracket it would not count.

I don't need the exact technical name, however, your wording and location has to leave no room for error.

I will post 2 of the answers here to start the contest:

1-coil module date sticker

2-coil module turbo decal

Your entry must include the 1 and 2 that I have listed above and then go 3, 4 etc and so on with your guess along side it.

The first person that can nail down 14 others that match my 14 wins.

This means you need to find 14 others that appear under the hood of an original 1987 Turbo Regal (not a GNX), and not a decal or sticker associated with an option since that would not appear on every example.

This is a paper-like decal that you could remove.

the clock is ticking.....

If your list involves any wrong ones I will simply state the number you have wrong. By that I mean if you have a total of 3 incorrect I will state that. I will not pinpoint which ones are wrong, as that would tip off another player.

Takes me time to think these up making sure the answers are not found on the internet. If you have a suggestion for a trivia question send me a pm....I don't mind giving someone credit! Less work for me.
It looks like it says 08/87. I'm not exactly sure because the label is so worn. Is there any other way of checking the build date? Can't it be done by the VIN?

With my car being so low optioned, why does my car have so many RPOs? Is there a bunch of heavy duty codes on there? Or is it because of all the codes that go along with the WE4 package?

kirban 2 cents worth

Back tracking I found some better notes on figuring out your built date since you can't read your sticker on your drivers door jam. Also if you have a car fax that will help pin it down also in most cases.

Any rate you have what is sometimes called Fisher Body Plate under your hood by your cowl on the drivers side. Has a few lines of numbers on it. It will read a letter 2 number and a letter. At least it should.

Here is an example H07C. First letter is the year this case its 7 for 87, the two numbers is for the month 07 would be July, last letter C would be the week which means the 3rd week of July 1987.

Print your code and we can figure it least we should be able to.

I have a lot of info, just not in any order and readily at my fingertips.

I have the exact same problem. The sticker on the door is worn and I looked at the one under the hood and I have no idea what it all means.

I felt like Mike Tyson at a spelling bee!