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The Unique V8 GRAND NATIONAL!?!?!


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I had a guy laugh at my GN at a car show because it had Jiffy Lube symbols on the seats and badging!!:mad: :confused: What a moron:rolleyes:
" I said yea it does, then I get asked if i want to sell it, I said sixty five hundred and that vette killer is yours (said 6,500 cuz it needs paint job real bad) and he goes dang really. Long pause of him starin at the car and says I'll give you 2 thousand right now. WHAT THE HECK!!!!! still funny, and classic."

I would have said $2000 will get you a ride in it right now!!!!!

Well, it is nice knowing there will be a generation of new morons at car shows 15 years from now. I was leaving a car show last year. I was driving out of the show and a father and his young son (probably 12 or 13 years old) were walking in and I passed them. It was ina field so I was going slow. I hear the father say to his son, "That is a nice looking Chevy Monte Carlo." So you know the son is going to think it cuz every 12 year old thinks his dad knows everything about cars.

I was at another show later in the summer and I was sitting near my friends car in his chair while all my friends were walking around. (We always have someone watching the cars) So, I was watching everyone around my car and some guy and his son get on their hands and knees and look at the rear rend. I couldn't hear everything they were saying but it was something about how my car must have been a GNX based on the rear end???? Who looks at the rear end first to see if the car is a GNX??? I find these people so hysterical. I just agree with most of them when they ask stupid questions. I used to try and teach them but for some reason they argue with you. Yeah, that's it, argue with the guy who actually owns the car he must not know anything escpecially if he is there with 2 of his friends that also have turbo cars. When they argue I usually ask them what they have for a car. "Man, I got a 1985 Monte. I don't have it here though, John Force is dropping one of his motors into it this weekend. You'll see me at the track!" Yeah, maybe the dog track.

I just wish I could see their faces when they are sitting on the wall watching people leave the show and I do the first 100' sideways.
Originally posted by V8'sHAHA
still blows my mind buick and pontaic two totally different things, I want a tag that says NOTAV8 :confused:

My tag on my SVO Mustang reads 8NTNO50 for the same reason. I've heard the same stupid comments from people looking at GN's and SVOs.

Years ago at a car show I heard some moron standing 4' away look over at a GNX and tell his friends "matter of factly" that "it was Buicks special tribute to Star Wars and was the Darth Vader Edition Buick Gran Sport"....I asked him where in the world he heard that and he started to tell me how his uncle owned a buick dealer and ordered 15 of them when they were new and that I didn't know what I was talking about. I simply said "Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy" and walked away shaking my head.

I was at the Ford Nationals in PA a couple years ago with my SVO and the guys at check in kept trying to tell me that my hood, bi-wing, 5 lug wheels, side spats and front bumper cover were aftermarket additions and I had to be in the modified class with all the OTHER 5.0 Mustangs....:rolleyes: . I looked at him and said dead seriously " You really have no idea what you are doing, do you?!?"

I agree with Geoff87.....just start agreeing with them and make up your own stories to better theirs. They are obviously not going to think any differently. We did this at a street race years ago....a buddy of mine had a '64 Falcon and some guys came up and said "Nice Duece!!!"....then asked what was in which my buddy replied "6 Cylinder with Dual exhaust"......20 minutes later when the hood was up the same guys stood their trying to count the plug wires(scratching their head) and spouted off as they were finishing counting "I counts eight"(that's how he said it). My buddy came back with "That's because I have 2 coils in the fenderwell for that extra spark" and the dumbass says "Damn, I gots ta try that!!" and walks off with his buddies.

That one has to take the cake!
I had a guy laugh at my GN at a car show because it had Jiffy Lube symbols on the seats and badging!! What a moron

I've also had someone ask me at a cruise night if I work for Jiffy Lube. He couldn't understand why my car had jiffy lube symbols all over the car. I said, "you don't know?" "Jiffy Lube was giving away these cars last week." :D
I had a guy laugh at my GN at a car show because it had Jiffy Lube symbols on the seats and badging!! What a moron

I've also had someone ask me at a cruise night if I work for Jiffy Lube. He couldn't understand why my car had jiffy lube symbols all over the car. I said, "you don't know?" "Jiffy Lube was giving away these cars last week." :D
One time I had a kid in a chevy celebrity and want to race for slips, and he was dead serious. He though it was a stock monte with exhaust!

Another time I was coming into town and this group of kids in a grand prix pulled up next to me.
"Is that a real Grand National"
Remembering the $35 bill for for my "Grand National/Turbo 6" sticker in the back window, I replied, "As opposed to a fake one?"
The kid took the hint and said "Oh cool! Then its twin turbo?"
"Nope, only single"
"Not very fast then?"
"Want to find out?"
"Um, no"
Too bad, showed them how slow my car was.
Buick never even used a 305

Actually I'm pretty sure the Regals in Canada had the LG4 :D. I know Cutlass' 307's, at least for many g-body years.

Its pretty safe to say all g-body owners get the same comments...I've had a few people think my black MCSS is a GN. One SS I had a kid thought was a Cutlass :o.

You can't expect everyone to know that much about cars, especially if they aren't into your kind of vehicle or just not into cars period. Doesn't excuse people for being total morons, but I try to be nice about it and educate them if they are wrong either to not prepetuate their ignorance on it.

The people who are cock sure that the GN had a twin turbo or whatever and won't hear any of it for example(or the usual 350 in the MCSS comment), they need a punch in the face ;) .
I agree with you Geoff. For many, reality is a fluid aspect of life. "it has to be true if you believe it" is a common reconception theses days.
I knew of a guy that bought a new 87 GN, and pulled it staight into his garage and two weeks later it came out all bright and shinny red. Some just didn't like the black, and he tried to convience everyone it was a special factory option.
I have a friend back in ohio like that, just look at my signiture, this guy fought with me for an hour about a month ago, he was convinced that with "just a simple ecm change" a 300zx could run 11's in the quarter, and for just 7 grand, only 3500 of which spent on the engine, got some guy into the 7's in the quarter!:rolleyes: talked to his dad once, he started telling me about the gnx, and how it had a twin turbo, and they rans 9's from the showroom floor, some people never learn
I just shut up the morons by saying "Really, why don't you go find one of those twin turbo V8 GNX's (or whatever stupid imaginary car they are reffering to) and bring it here and we can all have a look at it". It always works since they don't know where they can find one and when you call their bluff they will quit arguing.

Owning a TTA I usually hear about how fast the TPI V8's are and no V6 could run 12's with nearly all stock parts (like they even know what a Turbo 6 looks like) so I just ask to see some timeslips and ignore the person untill he produces some.

The trick is to just belittle the person untill they provide proof and they will almost always shut up.
OKAY, where the heck do these people get this stuff? This dude pulls into my shop today and starts talking about my GN. Thats cool and all but then he goes on and tells me how Buick made a 305 turbocharged V8 that you could get special ordered?. I go on to tell him I"ve been around these cars since I was 9 years old and that I've never seen such a thing. He was so sure there was a V8 GN. Diplomacy, Something I guess I'm good at huh? I think it comes from the montecarlos, Grand Prix, and Oldsmoblies that make people think they must have a Turbo and a V8. Anyways another intresting encounter with a uneducated retard.

Ok so I know this is an old forum but I happen to work for a guy who owns a factory ordered v8 turbo grand national it's an 87 I'm not sure what litter the motor is I'll have to ask him tomorrow but he is first and original owner of the vehicle and it is for sale if anyone is interested. And FYI before anyone calls me ignorant and says I don't know what I'm talking about I've been working as an automotive mechanic for years in a restoration shop and the motor is numbers matching so it is 100% the original engine.
Ok, maybe he does have that proverbial diamond in the rough, but matching numbers on the block isn't the tell all/end all. With the right tools and know how, you could stamp it. It's really not all that difficult. With your background, I'm sure you know this. Now, you say he is the original owner, so what documentation does he have to prove and back-up his lofty claim? Did he ever work for or have a connection to GM or Buick? Does he have the original build/data sheet? If not(even if so), he should contact GM and have them provide him with some sort of "official" provenance saying the car is what it's claimed to be. Also, can you take pics of the car, its engine and trunk's SPID label to post for us? You never know, one of us might be interested in it regardless of its authenticity. But til then, I gotta call BS! Btw, I see you forgot to mention the twin turbos and its FBI pedigree.
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To check it run the VIN. Since you're a tech then you know that the engine code as well as the designation for the GN will show up when you pull some history about it. If you want some help figuring it out then go to and you can find a ton of info on the SPID and VIN so you can see that your boss is either pulling you leg or telling everyone that he has an experimental car that GM would never let out of their hands.;)
Ok so I know this is an old forum but I happen to work for a guy who owns a factory ordered v8 turbo grand national it's an 87 I'm not sure what litter the motor is I'll have to ask him tomorrow but he is first and original owner of the vehicle and it is for sale if anyone is interested. And FYI before anyone calls me ignorant and says I don't know what I'm talking about I've been working as an automotive mechanic for years in a restoration shop and the motor is numbers matching so it is 100% the original engine.
LOL...put the Bong and bottle of whatever you got down man....Mike
This is so funny! You see this same thing come up at least once a year, every year! What a load of BS. Somebody always tries to impress us with their bonifiedies in the auto world and make these same outrageous claims about knowing the owner of such a car or seeing such a car yada yada yada!

As far as there being a numbers matching motor in it, that's even funnier! Any good machinist worth his salt can convert any motor to a numbers matching piece.

For such a car to be ligit, I would have to see a SPID label and build sheet with the option called out for a turboV8 in a GN.

Guess what, it's never been produced, and of course, because such an option never existed back then, proper documentation will NEVER be seen by anyone.

I wish this whole subject would just dry up and blow away, along with the gullible people that actually fall for these fairy tales.

News flash!!! There never was a legit turbo v8 Grand National produced by GM back in the 80's.
I will pile on. about a year ago, a fellow asian (asians should all know what GNs are) complemented my car at the gas station when I was filling the tow vehicle up with car on trailer.

He continued to tell me his buddy had one that ran good with a BBC. He asked what the car had in it? "turbo v6, stock but the car built like crazy" I said. He then asked, " how much you makin?" I replied "700".

He look at me puzzled and said, "you're doing alright" .... I looked at him back and replied," yeah, I'm doing just fine."
Seems like I get the opposite with my TTA. I always get "Is that a real TTA" or "Hey thats a TTA, I have one".

I owned a 86GN for a few months and im in my driveway working on it. My neighbor comes over and says "Nice Monte" and I say "Thanks, but its a Grand National". We talk for little while and he has to head off somewhere, so he says " That sure is a sweet Monte, well, I gotta go". I just shook my head.