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Thunder Beach Panama City FL


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Active Member
Aug 10, 2009
Well it was Thunder Beach this past weekend here in Panama City. !000s of bikes in town for fun and sun. Saturday morning its a beautiful sunny morning and I'm stopped at a red light minding my own business waiting for the light to change so I can head on to meeting my sister for breakfast. I'm in the right lane and up rolls (and I don't know much about bikes) an S and S Chopper with a beautiful orange and white paint job. I've got the window down and the guy looks over and gives me a nod. I thought he was just saying "nice car". So I nod back. You know, "nice bike". Anyway, the light changes and this guy just flat a** busts loose. I thought whoa, he did not just challenge me. Game on! I opened up the car and totally blew his uh doors(?) :biggrin: off. When I look in my side view mirror (which says "objects in mirror are losing") he is 4 cars back and fading. The funny part is as I let off the gas for my turn coming up, the lower boot on my up pipe comes off and the car limps to the restaurant. I don't even know if those bikes are fast, but I figure he must have thought he was since he challenged me.
Good thing that hose held on until after the kill...hate it when an intercooler or up pipe hose blows loose at boost....scares the stew outa ya....

Good kill...:biggrin:
Nice kill man. I thought about heading to PCB this weekend but I knew the thunder beach crowd would be wrecking shop.

Good kill dude.

I posted a while back about the same thing. Some dude on what he thought was a fast Harley launches it and I had to wait for boost as I did not know we were racing and just killed him. He gets really, really mad and just curses me out for going by him soooo fast. I'm thinking "what" you started it.
