THUNDERACE31- Difficult buyer to deal/fraudulent claims/under paypal investigation


Solid Member
Nov 9, 2009
I just thought I'd start a tread with an experience I've had recently as a seller on

Within the last few months I sold a set of H&R engine mounts (L+R) to another member via "for sale" forums. Once the paypal sale completed that's when the problems began. The item was boxed up and shipped out the same day payment was made and was also trackable, after one week the buyer became very upset that he hadn't received his item and already started threating to reverse the paypal payment,....very difficult and aggressive to say the least. I had to politely convince the buyer to please be patient and that his parcel would arrive the next week....which it did.

When the buyer received his parcel he claims he only received and I quote "one mount and a cheap power antenna" in the box, the purchaser also claims the box arrived un-opened. I am 100% sure this item shipped out as a pair of mounts (L+R) with hardware. At this point I requested pics of what the buyer claims to have received, he did forward pics which did provide the original shipping box with one H&R mount and some cheap power antenna of unknown origin....which I doubt would have even fit in the same box. Before I even had a chance to reply, to make matters more difficult the buyer opted for a paypal claim demanding a full refund and on top of that, refusing to return the items he claims to have received.

2 months later paypal is still trying to sort out the issue and now visa is also involved which could stretch this out another 75 possible days. In the end I stand to lose the payment, 100% of my product as well as ship costs.....something not right with this picture.

Please post if anyone else has had similar experience selling items under similar circumstances.

Thank you
Where does the guy live? I would post all info so we know who not to sell to. Im tired of people screwing people out of parts. Its happening more and more. I take pics of parts in box and I mark parts now. Maybe the delivery service opened it and took out the driver side mount.I guessing thats the one missing:confused: Either way it sucks. Post all info.
Where does the guy live? I would post all info so we know who not to sell to. Im tired of people screwing people out of parts. Its happening more and more. I take pics of parts in box and I mark parts now. Maybe the delivery service opened it and took out the driver side mount.I guessing thats the one missing:confused: Either way it sucks. Post all info.

I take pics of the parts. then a pic of them in the box. insure them an ship em. Ridiculous the crap that goes on on the net today :rolleyes:
Where does the guy live? I would post all info so we know who not to sell to. Im tired of people screwing people out of parts. Its happening more and more. I take pics of parts in box and I mark parts now. Maybe the delivery service opened it and took out the driver side mount.I guessing thats the one missing:confused: Either way it sucks. Post all info.

Trust me, I'd love to post all info but in the rights of privacy it wouldn't be right, trust me I've done my research, business phone numbers, the whole 9 yards. This is what I can provide to hopefully save someone else the same loss/headache.

username: THUNDERACE31
location: Belleville, MI
I have the same issue. Sold a transmission. Shipped to buyer. He signs for it. Then files claim with PP for non receipt. Loses his claim. Then files with his CC company. They reverse transaction PP settled. In the meantime I wait the 75 days for a 3rd party credit card company who no one will tell me even who it is to decide on the claim. I have provided signed delivery receipt with the customers signature and ID information from the shipping company. I forwarded e-mails where the customer sent confirmation that he received the product. I shipped to the confirmed address. Customer no longer responds to phone calls or e-mails. In the meantime they have my $2895. It was explained to me that PP is out of the picture. I will not only not get my product back but will also not get paid. But they explain that I have very strong case. Strong case what the hell are you talking about. The real kicker is until the final decision is made I can not even start any legal preceding to try to get my money. I have considered driving to his house and knocking on the door.
Guys, Really sorry to hear this S-IT but it ain't getting any better. In the last 2 years Iv'e just about got out of the Buick game acouple of times because of the sorry ass buyers out there. Hope both of you can get some kind of money back. Keep on it.
Same **** with the Thunderrace kid..I was at the bank waiting for him to send me his address so I could overnight a money order to buy a transmission from him. Totally flaked out on me after we had made an agreement in writing..wouldn't answer phone, then sent a lame ass text message saying he didn't want to ship it, even though I already had a freight pickup scheduled and the driver was going to handle the pallet, straps, everything so he wouldn't have to do any 'work' to ship the trans..wound up saying 'well I'll just keep it' after I had spent 4 days of my time working out the deal. Waste of time and space, this guy.
I have the same issue. Sold a transmission. Shipped to buyer. He signs for it. Then files claim with PP for non receipt. Loses his claim. Then files with his CC company. They reverse transaction PP settled. In the meantime I wait the 75 days for a 3rd party credit card company who no one will tell me even who it is to decide on the claim. I have provided signed delivery receipt with the customers signature and ID information from the shipping company. I forwarded e-mails where the customer sent confirmation that he received the product. I shipped to the confirmed address. Customer no longer responds to phone calls or e-mails. In the meantime they have my $2895. It was explained to me that PP is out of the picture. I will not only not get my product back but will also not get paid. But they explain that I have very strong case. Strong case what the hell are you talking about. The real kicker is until the final decision is made I can not even start any legal preceding to try to get my money. I have considered driving to his house and knocking on the door.

Sorry Guys I was commenting on the PAYPAL issue. I have had no dealing with Thunderrace kid.
Same **** with the Thunderrace kid..I was at the bank waiting for him to send me his address so I could overnight a money order to buy a transmission from him. Totally flaked out on me after we had made an agreement in writing..wouldn't answer phone, then sent a lame ass text message saying he didn't want to ship it, even though I already had a freight pickup scheduled and the driver was going to handle the pallet, straps, everything so he wouldn't have to do any 'work' to ship the trans..wound up saying 'well I'll just keep it' after I had spent 4 days of my time working out the deal. Waste of time and space, this guy.

Sorry, but glad to hear I'm not the only one.....maybe we can get this "THUNDERACE31" kicked off of the forums.
This was already in the feedback forum......

do not buy from thunderace31
i just bought a used coil from the guy a couple of days ago i payed by paypal i get the coil yesterday and it was broken. he put it in a box and didnt put enough packing in the box and it was bouncing around in the box. i tried to tell him this he said we package things all the time .i just want my money back he tells me its the post office's fault not his. the reason i buy parts off this board is because i am not a rich person. like most of us i cannot afford brand new parts and then someone just takes my money like this i am really pissed.
We have to protect each other from buyer's and seller's that are not legit by any means possible.