Dang, you drove a stake in the heart of this thread with your last post.
Let's see if we can revive it.
Friday night at Noble was great night for racing; small crowd and great weather.
Line lock was broken so no good burnouts but this was best run:
60' 1.484
ET 10.427
MPH 129.64
93 octane and single line 15# alky with halo nozzle and 23# of boost from the 6265 JB
Rich in the first half of the track but picked up 26.85 MPH in the back half.
Only disappointment was failure to break into the 130's. LAst 3 runs were in the mid 129's.
Car weighs 3720 with me in it so both the car and I are going on a diet.:
What was the 1?8 on this run.
Phil Engle