timing cover bad?


Jul 3, 2001
Well I took my oil pump out of my timing cover to do the oil flow mods as described by checking the archives of postings, and I found a problem. Normally the oil filter housing gets grooved where the gears thrust against it, and that is restored by installing a thrust plate. The thrust plate makes a new surface on the bottom, well my problem is on the opposite side (top) where the drive gear thrusts inside the timing cover. The worst circular groove is on the drive side(gear with the shaft that goes to the cam sensor) and is about .010" wide and .010" deep.The sides of the cover look OK. I do not see a posting that says anything about oil pressure loss/flow issues if housing is grooved here. What do you think, and if it is bad, any recommendations on a replacement (NEW/USED/what vendors have them). Thanks Turbo6man

Check the shaft bore --that needs to be snug also--hard to say on the groove without seeing it but don't sound too bad assuming alll else is good. Best of luck