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Took a while but figured out who is a little B*tch and who actually supports the pros.


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Active Member
May 25, 2018
There are some "REAL" pro GN professionals on these boards. They know the engines and electronics inside and out.
There are also some products that come out that are great and have some issues before they are perfected. That is the way life works folks. Please do your research and don't judge a product that was released yesterday by what it's final intention is..
That goes for the people that work on these 32 year old cars. Some have been doing the complete machine work and building for 30+ years and some have not. Do your research before you judge 1 individual because Jim Bob said Joe Bob didnt stand behind a product that Joe Bob believed in and promoted. Look at Jim Bob and Joe Bob and believe, they are us and they are trying to make our cars better and 9 times out of 10 are not going to put their reputations on the line just to sell you Sally May's product.....
Be wary of folks that tell you that Jim Bob wont stand behind Sally May's product because Jim Bob likely believes that product is worth your investment... Their reputation depends on it... The forums are full of information, but if you listen to 1 stupid opinion, it can affect your complete build. Rich
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I hope to dog you're not on any of the facebook ''tech'' boards.

You think this place is bad......
There are a lot of folks out there with an axe to grind because they cannot, no matter how they try, make their cars run right by themselves.

Instead of chasing down the issue(s), why not just blame someone else?

Did they get the problem squared away? No, but they got to blow someone up on the ol' interwebs, so it's all good now and they have now become some sort of an internet social justice warrior badass? ........ And, the guy who helped them in the first place is SOOOO much more likely jump in and help out now........ :rolleyes:

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Welcome to the world of cars in general.

These issues have been going on long before these cars were ever introduced. And yes, I wrench on my own. And if you plan to do cars you should learn to as well.

I understand there will be things an individual just cant do but with the advent of cheap offshore parts and equipment the average Joe can do quite a bit in their garage at home.

It won't be as fast, and may or may not turn out as well as the five and six digit builds but the average joe can have the pride he did it him self. And have no one to blame but himself when it doesn't quite go as planned.

Best part of the car hobby is the people, unfortunately, this is also the worst part.
That is the very same reason I screen the work that I take on. Listening is the thing I focus on the most. Not what I am telling them and hoping it is sinking in, I won't get that far, but what they are telling me about the car, or who has touched it, and what their skill set is with the car they have. Once I see that the guy is out of his league with this car, I will say I'm not interested in doing the job, and inheriting the long list of issues of neglect this car has encountered. Especially if it is electrical. All it means is your next inline to take the hit for what is wrong with the car. Learn who your dealing with first, not the money you can get from the job. Peace of mind goes a long way.
exactly , what the hell are you talking about , this thread should be somewhere else not in TECH .....
Probably not, but it was in this section where I read some pretty nasty crap from a while back. I guess I shouldn't be surprised about some of the disrespect I read in here from reading over the old posts and a few about people that paid for stuff over paypal and then the seller just magically disappeared. Done with my rant. Thanks
Done with my rant.
How will we know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are?
If you are fairly ignorant about the turbo Buicks and want to learn,how do you know when you are receiving good advise or bad?
I already know that I am a bad guy because Obama told me I was for 8 years.
How will we know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are?
If you are fairly ignorant about the turbo Buicks and want to learn,how do you know when you are receiving good advise or bad?
I already know that I am a bad guy because Obama told me I was for 8 years.
I guess you just have to read a lot of these old post and use your best judgement. If you see that someone was selling a part on here and they payed and the seller didn't send the part to them; that's a "vague" indication the seller was one of the "bad guys". My best judgment is to talk about politics and religion with my congressperson and minister (respectively). LMAO I think this should conclude this topic as it is in the TECH section..
I generally never work on anyone's TR or tune it other than my own. I don't need the hassle. I give back to the TR community via my vids on my YouTube channel.
I generally never work on anyone's TR or tune it other than my own. I don't need the hassle. I give back to the TR community via my vids on my YouTube channel.
And that's why I watch your vids. Short to the point and no BS. Of course Racetronics is a little too far away from Nashville, TN for me to purchase from, I'm glad you folks have a great supplier up there..
........ And, the guy who helped them in the first place is SOOOO much more likely jump in and help out now........ :rolleyes:


I know I've throttled waaaaaaay back.

Used to be all I needed to see to stop reading was ''I want to run 10's''.

Now damn near any hint of potential stupidity will have me X'ing out tabs left and right.
I know I've throttled waaaaaaay back.

Used to be all I needed to see to stop reading was ''I want to run 10's''.

Now damn near any hint of potential stupidity will have me X'ing out tabs left and right.
Can you help me run 8's? I have $10k to spend [emoji13]

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