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Toyota? Is this true? Ouchh!!!


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I think NASCAR is making a HUGE mistake for the sole purpose of gaining a few "new" fans at the cost of losing MANY. I can tell you that i've got alot of friends who have been diehard NASCAR fans for years, and have been slowly losing interest over these years due to NASCAR forgeting the real fan 'base'. I think adding TOYOTA to the Nextel Circut will just be the final straw for many fans, including me. This was the 'ONE' racing circut that was truly "all American" has been since the start. Not now. Hell, lets just invite Kia, Honda, VW, and Renalt. Why stop at Toyota?? And for those who say Toyota is more American then some American car companys I say this. Where do you think MOST of that money Toyota is making going??? Hmmm, i'll give ya a hint, JAPAN. Sure they have some plants here, most foreign car companys do nowadays, BUT it still Toyota. Say what you will, but I think you'll see a huge decline in there fanbase starting this year. You NEVER saw empty seats at NASCAR races, take a look this year and you will.....Just my 02. KTB
they may lose some but then again they will GAIN some.. Theres a lot of Toyota fans out there.. If you don't believe me wait till the New Tundra truck hits the streets. It will outsell Dodge and maybe even GM trucks.. They are shooting for Ford...

And this year Toyota will be the LARGEST car company in the world. They will surpass GM.. Cause they build GOOD cars..

Facts are facts....
I guess Dodge should be out of nascar too since they are foreign company now.

The Dodge teams are sponsored by the Dodge Dealers Assn. not Daimler Chrysler. It doesn't make them anymore American owned than Toyota though.
Ford cars, for the most part, are built in Mexico. That means that all that income is going to non Americans. Which is worse, many thousands of American workers making a good living and a portion of the profit going to Japan or many thousand Mexicans making a living and the profits going to the chairmen of the boards of GM and Ford?????:eek:
The "car of the future" makes me sick, it looks like a rice-mobile. Nascar is going ricer. I cannot stand looking at that wing. I fear that we have seen the best years and the future is not good. If a Toyota is leading with Gordan in second that would even make me pull for the 24. Never thought that would ever happen!
Originally Posted by Art-87TR
Not with Micheal Waltrip driving ! The only way he's going to
be in front is if he drives the Pace Car

My good friend David Hyder will be his crew chief. They will win. Take a look at Kenny's finish spots after Hyder was his crew chief.

Oh well, looks like your good friend David Hyder will need a new Career :eek:
It would be a big advantage to any other team if he is dismissed by Nascar. MWR lets him go he will be picked up quickly but it wont happen. Waltrip said nobody is fired. Here is the deal, if you are not cheating you are running 25th or worse. Proven with the other 5 teams that were caught (6 total and counting) I cant speculate on the intake issue but after the 125 duals.... I can say you stand to be corrected. :eek:

1. Waltrip drove from a starting position of last to 8th in 10 laps. Who else can do that. Jr.? Gordon? Tony? Only Jr. in 2004 He did it in 5 but did not win...rain delay.
2. Oh yea.....Waltrip used a back-up car with no practice, plus he makes the Daytona race.

If I was another team MWR just got my attention. All three MWR cars made the race. I bet you will see them work very well together. Dont forget the Toyota team Bill Davis Racing. They worked with MWR.

the 500 is going to be interesting. Some teams are still not showing there full strength.
MWR at Daytona

Out of his 3 cars. One made it in on speed, one raced his way in however he did cause a few wrecks, and the 3rd needed a champions provisional. The previous post makes it sound like MWR is a force. Not so. The 00 car is by far the best. As far as other toyos, the 22 of Blaney is the sleeper. He was 4th or 5th fastest in practice.
What would you do? Cause a wreck or go home? Miss the race? He had nothing to loose and all to gain. 00 Blainey starts 37th. MWR starts 13th, 40th and 43rd.

I would say MWR is the "force" right now. All three MWR cars are in the Daytona show and the 00 is the only non MWR Toyota to make it since the others went home. (00 is BDR). Do you really think 00 has any friends? Only MWR will really help him. Then at the end you have no friends:eek:

"Daytona Drama" is only one race. End of the season tells the true story.
what wing? The pics I seem are the standard generic NASCAR body like all the rest of the cars. I don't know that much about NASCAR but don't every car have to have the same body profile? So they all have to basically look the same anyway.??

The "car of the future" makes me sick, it looks like a rice-mobile. Nascar is going ricer. I cannot stand looking at that wing. I fear that we have seen the best years and the future is not good. If a Toyota is leading with Gordan in second that would even make me pull for the 24. Never thought that would ever happen!
"Daytona Drama" is only one race. End of the season tells the true story.

This is true.. But we know MW is only good on the super speeways!! Well see about the other two cars.. I'd be surprises to see any MWR cars make the chase!
jswmotor, your an idiot....

if you belive for a second that MWR is a Force right now in cup. You can't even get his car numbers right. Shows how much you know about NASCAR.
Big $$$ for last place

Daytona paid around $232,000 for last place. MWR had three cars and they did not finish last plus they come home with two speedway cars in good body condition. Not a bad days pay for the "Toyota Force" Beets going home and not making the race or tearing up a primary car.

Art-87TR- This is what I am waiting to see. I think Hyder will be a huge input with MWR at the other tracks. Look up his bio. Hyder is great for set-up's and also a great driver that never got the chance to prove what he could do at this level. He really knows the cars and what works. If he can help Kenny Schrader improve then he can help anyone. Borlin is also a great crew chief. Together they should come up with some good cars that the drivers should do well with. Time will tell. Hey, Hyder needs to get back from nascar jail first :biggrin:

ok gnjones take you "idiot" comments to another board. Sorry to upset you so much because of a typo error. When you have a jack and coke in hand like I do now, responding to things may just come out wrong. No warranty on the content written Here is your personal jswmotor fix "00 is ment to be 22, or was it 00":tongue:

sorry for the comments. Just that my pet peve is people that think they know everything, and post the wrong info. Honest mistake with the 22/00 getting transposed. We may not agree on the MWR/Toyota issue but that is fine. Actually out of the toyotas I would have to say the 22 and 00 are two of the strongest ones. Vickers looked good in cali as well. It may take them some time (all toyo teams) to get things figured out but they are a long ways off. I am just personally not a MW or MWR fan. The biggest challenge with toyo being here this year is the fact that there are more teams not locked in the top 35 fighting for the same spots. I dont like that rule either. fastest 43 should race regardless of points. I also think NASCAR needs to do somthing about the tech insestion to allow ALL of the new teams get ample practice time.

I will still cheer for Martin however. That old man is not done yet! I think that if he is leading the points heading to Bristol, he will race!

no problem :cool:
Daytona!! What bad luck Martin had. Everyone wanted to see him win. That team has always had a good car for Daytona. I did not see it but I bet he let off the gas for a split second thinking a caution was comming out.

MW did not make it last week with his car. That is the best way to get a sponser upset. I agree that the fastest qualify and the best race. That qualifying rule is tough. MW time and speed were very good but not enough.

Here is the next thought....when will NASCAR upset enough racers and sponers to get another series started. Talk about drama!!!
Rumor has it that honda is now considering nascar!!!! And if they do.. LOOK OUT!!!!!! This company is not afraid to spend money. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Toyota needs to spend some more money in Cup.

I don't know why they could not use the motor similar to the Craftsman Truck Series Tundra. I heard they had to use a different design. Maybe it is the bodies that are slowing them down? Anyway the need to figure something out.

Jarrett 4 starts 33rd place in points (used 4 of his allowed six champion qualifying provisionals already)

Blaney 4 starts 38th in points (has been safe because he finished in the top 35 in points last year)

Reutimann qualified in 3 out of 4 races 43rd in points

Vickers qualified in 2 out of 4 races 40th in points

Waltrip qualified for the Daytona 500 only after racing his way in, in the 150 mile duel (would not have made it in on qualifying time)

Mayfield and Allmendinger have not qualified for a race yet this season.

Back to the drawing board or money tree.
I agree with the "stock car" concept coming back. That would completely knock toyota back out of the racing. I'd rather walk than drive a Toyota.
I agree with the "stock car" concept coming back. That would completely knock toyota back out of the racing. I'd rather walk than drive a Toyota.

Could not have said it better. I had rather slam my d@#k in a car door than drive an import!:mad:
I think I'd rather be behind the wheel of one of these than walking. Oh and I think I'd drive just about anything, probably walk rather than slam my d!ck in a car door. JMO


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