Track Rental Sept 1./2003


Classic fast, XFI, SPortsman & MS3 programming
May 25, 2001
Selmon's custom exhaust is renting Cayuga. No hassles, $70.00 is the fee. PLease Call Selmon at (416)267-7170 to make sure he knows your going. Hopefully it will be a great day.
thats a quick gn norbs

Hey norbs I have purchased a stock 87 gn and your quarter mile ets are what I dream of, could you give me a few more details on your combination? Breaking into the tens with my gn would floor the ford mudstain guys at work. The concerns I have are not buying new parts as my combo goes quicker, you buy a turbo get faster that turbo is too small , know what I mean? Also smog cops and drivability. Thanks for you time. (if your going to cayuga on the first Ill have to drive the 2 hours just to see your bad ass gn)
10's is going to be expensive, no matter which way you look at it, and reliability becomes a big issue. I will try to make it on the monday, if we dont get rained out. I'll try to put a list of parts together soon of the combination. The only way to go fast is lots of boost! I hope it holds together till 28 psi, since thats what i estimate i will need to go a low low 10, depending on hook.
Weather looks good, so those willing to come, remember specators are free!!
Just bought some race gas yesterday..
See you there Norb.

Fast times,you should come down and at least watch,you can get
alot of info and ideas for your car.There should be quiet a few gn's
by the way,got your pics,that 55 looks sharp.
biuck day

I'll be there turbo grey, in the morning till noonish, working afternoons cant pass up double time and a half.
spectators are free, so all the wanna be buick racers can watch!
records will be broken ! or some parts...
event was cancelled, rain. Hopefully to be rescheduled.
The rain date is set for oct. 13 th. No one is getting there money back, unless they ask for it. If it rains (or snows )on the 13th i am not sure on the outcome.
The track rental is going ahead as planned! For all those last minute entry's if your going, at least call Selmon,so he can put your name on the list at (416)267-7170. This way there's no confusion on who is racing and who isn't. At least bring a helmet also, if your faster than 13.99. OCT 13. 2003 WIsh everyone runs good with the cool air....!!
Weather is 10 C and sunny hope it gets a bit warmer