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Trip time! - Houston Texas to Empire Michigan!


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Tall Unvaccinated Chinese Guy
Dec 14, 2004
We are getting ready to take a trip from Houston to Empire, MI in a rental ;) leaving July 1.
I would like a chance to see a few things on the way, and maybe meet a few members from this board, i.e., put a face t a name and buy some beers.

The trip I have mapped out this time will be going through Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, and Michigan.
Decided to drive around Illinois this time since I just can’t handle the lower speed limit on such a trip on the interstate. ;)
Plus, the last time we got sucker punched by an police chief admitted "decoy speed trap car" trying to keep up with him at 72 mph. :mad: (Long story)

Looks like the major cities will be Texarkana, Little Rock, Memphis, Nashville, Bowling Green, Louisville, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Grand Rapids,

The trip will include a stop on Broad street in Nashville.
If anyone in one of these cities have ideas of things to see, or has time to grab a quick bite and beer, let me know. :cool:
"Decided to drive around Illinois this time since I just can’t handle the lower speed limit on such a trip on the interstate"

The speed limit was raised to 65mph in il. a while ago on the interstates
Yes that is the one, picture rocks is nice too. I will be in that area later this week
That's my neck of the woods.

Once you get to Empire, check out the Manitou Islands. They're scenic and pretty cool.

Depending on when you get up here, the Cherry Festival might still be going on in Traverse City. Always a good time. Enjoy the trip.
That's my neck of the woods.

Once you get to Empire, check out the Manitou Islands. They're scenic and pretty cool.

Depending on when you get up here, the Cherry Festival might still be going on in Traverse City. Always a good time. Enjoy the trip.

If you have time to meet next week in Traverse city, send me a PM with your phone number. Would love to meet and talk cars. :cool:
I'd love to, but I'm leaving here on the first for a few days vacation before I head off to welding school. I'll PM you my number though.
I'd love to, but I'm leaving here on the first for a few days vacation before I head off to welding school. I'll PM you my number though.

Whose GN was parked at the restaurant right by the ball park on Hiway 31 in Traverse City on the 4th around 6:00pm? We were going to the baseball game and saw the car parked on the way over. Never thought I would see one in such a relatively small town. :cool:

Also saw one GN in Mississippi in a lot, in Jackson.
That one appeared to be down. :confused:

Going fishing agian this morning and than visit the sand dunes.
May need to cut the trip short for a emergancy dental work in Houston. :mad:

Shane, going to txt you.
Edit: Lost your number. PM send.

Mike, are you in traverse city?
Well, back in Empire.
Saw a grey T-Type on the way to Grand Rapids and slowed down.
Cool guy . . . chatted while doing 65 mph . . . only one we saw in over 1650 miles. :(