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The true 8 Second 109!
May 30, 2001
I don't even know what to say.. This past weekend was awesome! I finally brought a car to a TSM race that was competitive and won. As you may know, I broke a u-joint in BG this year which led to several broken pieces throughout the drivetrain. The tranny was toast as well as the engine. It was depressing as I had just put in the XFI with a Hartline tune up and went a new best of 10.34 with low boost.

In September I called Cal up and said I'm ready to go fast. We worked with Dan at DLS to piece together a quality engine. With Dan and Cal's expertise I was left with a great new setup that will make the power and last. I got all the parts together with a new 109 block and with the help of Don Cruz "Missle" we put it together over a few days. Thanks Don!

The result of combining these two minds was and immediate 9.98 off the trailer with low boost. I could not even imagine how big the smile I had on my face that night just one week before Reynolds. That first pass made everything worthwhile. I continued that night with three more passes in the 9.90s and didn't change the boost or tune up at all. Two things I wanted: Consistant and 9s. That's what I got.

Fast forward to Reynolds. I was on pins and needles waiting to get there. Friday morning we got set up and I pulled the car off the trailer. Nothing changed from the passes at BMP. The first pass on the car I had no second gear and bounced off the rev limiter resulting in a 10.51.. Not good. I was devastated. After talking with Lonnie and Dave Fiscus I decided not to pack it up and try running from 1st and shifting straight into 3rd. It worked I got two passes in and it went 10.03 and 10.00. I really wanted a 9 second pass at Reynolds so I turned the boost up two pounds and it went 9.83 @ 137. The air was good and cold. I was happy. I could race the car and be in the 9s.

Saturday, the day of the TSM race. I pulled the car out of the trailer to go to peer tech and when I shifted the car into 2nd it grabbed. I was grinning. If this held up I was going to make some good passes. I was scared to trust it to hold up so on the first qualifying pass I short shifted to 2nd at 5200 and it held. I qualified with a 9.80@136. I was happy and didn't make another qualifying pass just to keep the wear and tear down on the tranny. I am glad I didn't now because that would have put me into a different spot in the ladder. I had to run Chris Hogeland in the first round and he had blown a HG in qualifying so I got a broke bye. In the second round I got another broke bye. I am going to the finals and didn't even have to run the car. Woo Hoo. I decided that I should check the 60' and see if the car was going to hook or if I need to turn it down before the finals. I left on the transbrake and 3600 on the two step. The car stood straight up and all I saw was blue skies and my silver hood. I peddled the car and it felt like forever before it came back down. When it did come down it dented the new oil pan and bounced right back up in the air. That was the highest the car has ever come up into the air. I hope someone got it on video and will post it. I lucked out because it just dented it and it wasn't leaking.

Next round Finals with Sully. I knew I had Sully covered everywhere except on the tree. He is the reaction time winner in most of his races and I knew that. I did my burn out and got into the prestaged lights first and started building boost. As the car started building boost and lit the staged lights right as Sully came into the prestaged lights. I bumped the transbrake button and I was ready. Steve came into the staged lights and the race was on. I left the line at 3600rpm just like I did when the car did the wheelstand. It stayed down and spun a little with a 1.43 60'. I ended up with a 9.86@135 to win. I kept expecting Sully to start catching me at the end but I never saw him. It was a great race! On most every other race I have had in TSM the other car just drives by me after the 60'. I finally had a car that could keep up.

I have to thank the following that helped me in the past few years and months to actually have a car that I can race and be competitive.

My wife: She lets me work on the car every night and doesn't complain.. (too much)
Cal & Holly Hartline: They have been there every step of the way with tech help and advice.
Dan Strezo: He knows his stuff! Nuff Said!
Lonnie Diers: He has been there for years and keeps me focused on getting it done.
Don Cruz "Missle": He made sure the short block was right! He is the most anal person when building an engine, but that is what makes a good engine great one.
The "Palm Tree Posse": Home of the fastest Buicks. Roy "Boost" Garcia, Laz 'Chi-Chi", Richie "Can I hit it" Balcom, Louie Lopez, J D, Julio Don, Don Palumbo...

The TSM racers: You all have to be the best group of guys/girl to race with. Going Fast Wiith Class!

Now I have to tear things apart to make some needed changes for next year. See you guys again at the next race.!


Congratulations Jason, Car looked great and sounded great all weekend... Good job!! My wife took some good pictures of you we will e-mail them to you.
Congrats Chi-chi !

Way to go:)

Palm Tree Posse Powah !

Much deserved, hard work pays off. You owe the boss lady BIG time...I know you've been working hard and long hours to get it done. Don says you're nothing without him, by the way ( I thought I'd tell you this, no pond intended):rolleyes:
If anyone got a pic or video of my wheelstand I would love to see it.
Congratulations Jason, Car looked great and sounded great all weekend... Good job!! My wife took some good pictures of you we will e-mail them to you.

Don, tell your wife she is awesome! I was floored when I saw the poster she made for me. I will have to get that framed for my office.

I am searching for more pics too. Posting them on the local speed website. They are loving the buicks now ;)
Don, tell your wife she is awesome! I was floored when I saw the poster she made for me. I will have to get that framed for my office.

Irela is one cool lady! Shes taken so many pics of my son he knows her only as "Cheese" no joke!