TTA Motor Mounts in Production!
Now Taking Orders for TTA Poly Motor Mount Kits!
We have completed the prototype & testing stages and are going into production!
We are very happy with this final design that we came up with and with the testing results. There is however a noticeable vibration felt inside the car with these, similar to what the TR mounts create. Some tradeoff is necessary to get extreme duty mounts designed to handle more torque than a big block that will never wear out or need replaced. It seems to be most noticeable at idle in gear, and diminishes quickly as RPM rises off idle. It is not excessive or abusive, just noticeable, and seems much better at cruising RPM. This will probably vary slightly from car to car as well, due to all the possible variables and upgrades done to everyone's car.
We have done extensive research, design, and testing to ensure that everyone will be very satisfied with these mounts. They actually turned out to be a total "kit" instead of just motor mounts like the TR's. The stock motor mounts, mounting brackets, and frame pedestals will be replaced with this kit. The mounting hardware will be replaced also, except for 3 special washers on each side. This kit is actually more complex than 2 sets of the TR mounts with everything involved.
Each kit includes:
2 New motor mounts (one Driver and one Pass side)
2 New Frame pedestals (one Driver and one Pass side)
2 New custom isolation pads for frame pedestal mounting
All new plated grade 10.9 mounting hardware for mounts, pedestals, and long bolts.
Custom tool designed to reach nuts inside crossmember
We had to design and make this custom tool to reach to the hard to reach nuts inside the crossmember for removal and assy. We are including this tool with each kit to make installation much easier. Pictures and additional info can be seen in our purchase section of our website, part #'s 2000 & 2001. We will still offer the 3/8" hex bit socket (tool # 0199) separately, just like with the TR mounts.
The introductory price for the complete kit is $359 (Part #2000 for stk blocks), and $369 for "second version" that fits all GM V-6 blocks (Part #2001). We expect them to start shipping in approx. 2-3 weeks with the holidays among us. Our website purchase section has both part numbers listed, and we are accepting orders at this time. You can place your order online, by fax, or by calling us, whichever you prefer. We will NOT bill your credit card until the day that they ship out, that is our standard policy. By placing your order now, that ensures that you get the introductory price and a place in line for shipping. We will ship them when ready in the same order that we receive the orders (first-come-first-serve). We will have a very small amount of these ready to ship early, so don't delay!
Thanks for being so patient with this project. As many of you know, we had way more time, effort, and expense involved with these than ever anticipated. Got to be a TTA/Buick/V-6 turbo nut to do stuff like this I guess. Have to keep the sport alive & show off those great 80's muscle cars
Please call, fax, or e-mail us if you have any questions.
Paul Ferry
3709 Duffield Rd.
Kent, OH 44240
FAX: (330) 678-8244 (anytime)
Phone: (330) 678-0899
9 AM to 9 PM EST. (Ohio) 7 days/week.