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TurboLink upgrades ...


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May 24, 2001
There's been an interest in what's coming in the TurboLink world...

Basically, there will be a "predemo" out that shows the new look and feel very soon for public consumption (after some alpha testers chime in on features/things they want to see).

Shortly after, there will be some Beta tester units out (same folks... thanks! :)) If testing goes well, the new upgrade will be first be made available to current users at a preferential price.

So, current users will get an upgrade cheaper than waiting to buy a kit with the upgrade in it.

Pricing is all still up in the air, but there's probably going to be an upgrade charge since it will involve hardware (and LOTS of software :))

The good news is that this new version will be a great platform for enhancements going forward! Look for LOTS of new stuff, as long as we can get manufacturing figured out and some financing figured out!

Can't wait....when do you think an upgrade will be available?

Faithful TLink User
Don't want to make a lot of promises until things move along a bit further, but the goal is to release the upgrade in March (probably more towards the end, depending on testing and manufacturing/packaging issues).

If that's received well, and we get some early sales, we'll get started on the next round features (think "PDA" :) )

Anyway, no promises guys ... just thought it was getting "real enough" to leak a little bit out to folks.
Is there going to be a change for the minimum system requirement to run the upgrade? If so, can you let us know what they are?

The Minimum System requirements are probably going up a bit (you know how MS stuff is ... bloat bloat bloat :) )

I'm trying to test on as many platforms as possible to determine what's absolute minimum.

We plan to support the current offering in parallel with any new stuff, to allow folks to run on really dirt cheap low end laptops.

A guess, would be a pentium class machine (probably 120 MHz or better, but I've run some stuff on a 100MHZ 486 and it seems to work, albeit kind of slow). You'll need Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP (still testing on 95 to see if it'll support everything without a billion upgrades).

Look for a demo for a "look/see" in the next week or so!
features suggestions...

having a large digit display of selectable sensors or information would be nice, like have O2 and knock retard read out in very large numerals on the scnreen would aid in reading it will driving..

kinda like the graphical display, but with dedicated and larger read outs..

O2: 000v

Knock: 00.0*


thanks Ken,
Originally posted by kenmosher

A guess, would be a pentium class machine (probably 120 MHz or better, but I've run some stuff on a 100MHZ 486 and it seems to work, albeit kind of slow). You'll need Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP (still testing on 95 to see if it'll support everything without a billion upgrades).

Look for a demo for a "look/see" in the next week or so! [/B]

What about support for Windows ME?

I'm thinking about getting this program. But I'm running Win ME on it.
The current Turbolink runs on Windows ME ...

The new and groovy version will add support for all Windows versions...

OK Ken whe you get to the pda's, please dont forget the pocket pc's (ipaq, etc) id love to be able to use my new toy on my old toy