Turbonetics T60-1 Needs seals!


Dec 3, 2009
I have a Turbonetics T60 that as said needs seals. It spins nice but blows oil. It is a newer turbo that came on a motor I bought. Offers?


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I am actually most likely going to now. I can't take 200-250 for a turbo that needs an exhaust seal. It is worth plenty more. So, I guess it's off to Gpops shop because the vendor it came from can kiss my you know...
Did you get this motor recently off craigslist or ebay. I think I was looking at this one too.
Where are you located?

If not too far away i could come look at it in person.

You can tell more about things when you see them in front of you and get your hands on things just to see how bad something really is.