I don't use alcohol kits nor do we have e85. I'm not intelligent? Why, because I don't like using fuel kits? Is using pump gas only any less intelligent than refusing to put an intercooler on a turbo charged car? At least I know how to spell it, no insult intended, by the way.
GM upgraded the GN for a reason. We've run ICs on all our cars, for years, for one reason: they work. Not because they look cool. Otherwise all modern turbo charged and supercharged cars would skip the IC.
I understand all of you that want to leave the original set up just for the fun of seeing what you can do. It's the same reason we build Hondas. Sure, drag racing a FWD car with a 4-cyl engine and a mere drag radial is a retarded concept... but when the guy in the 7-sec Camaro high fives you for clicking off an 11-sec run in a civic, its all with it. To make a vehicle fast, despite Itself, is fun.
So yes: I get it.
Just please dont treat me like an Idiot for wanting my car to have more power and be more reliable.
I don't see how its okay to violate a sacred HA car by tapping in nitrous or alcohol is okay, but bolting on an intercooler isnt. Not to mention an IC always works. It can't fail and can be removed at any time, if need be. There is no pump to go bad, fail-safes to wire in, etc. Hell, I don't even need to make any other changes, if I decide to only use the IC to keep temps down and avoid knock retard (summers here are 110* or so).
All this drama is almost enough to make someone convert just to avoid this part of the forum. LOL. Jesus, guys. Lighten up.

I've been called more names in the HA part of this site, in my short time here, than all the years Ive been on any other forum.
I gotta admit I'm used to forums being more supportive. Well..except Mustangworld.com. That place is full of haters. LOL