T'was the Night Before Christmas - 2006

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Here - watch THIS!
May 24, 2001
Twas the Night Before Christmas
And out in the street,
In my GN I'm cruising,
Just left a swap meet

While stopped at a light
There arose such a noise,
I looked to my right,
It was two Ricer Boys!

They were sitting all smug,
In their new STi,
Revving their V-Tec,
They asked, "Ready to die?"

So I merely but laughed
And nodded a "Yes"
They revved even faster,
Their hearts proud in their chests,

The light it turned green,
And away they both went,
I gave them the go,
Cause I'm a kindly ol' gent

One long second later,
When I dumped the trans-brake,
It pulled the front tires,
And launched true and straight,

When the front wheels touched back down,
I was right at their side,
And we hadn't yet passed,
Four houses or five,

Up came the first shift,
The tires protested once more,
I flew by the Honda,
And off came their doors,

I looked in my mirror,
Saw Ricerboys tumble and flip,
Their car was still moving,
But THEY weren't inside it!

I stopped and went back,
Watched them stand up and stare,
Brushing out gravel and dirt,
Some smoke still in their hair!

"What happened?" I asked
"Did you both simply lose heart?"
They said, "No - you passed us so fast,
That we thought we were parked!"

"So, we jumped from the car,
And on to the road,
But still rolling it seems,
Going forty or so..."

I laughed a big laugh,
As I drove out of sight,
A vision like this,
Makes for a great Christmas night!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Oldy but a goody.

Happy spooling.

Mike Barnard
The yearly bump. From Raven. The greatest Turbo Buick story teller ever. (Mean Chicken's a close second;)). For those that haven't read Ravens stories, Do your self a favor. Do a search and enjoy. :)

Merry Christmas everyone.

Mike B.
Whatever happen to him? Sold his car for a viper last I heard...

Is there anywhere that has the stories all together lol?
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