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Two potential Kills, One thwarted by me


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eggs are liquid chicken
Jan 7, 2004
Driving home from helping a friend install a double convection oven. Cruising down 635 eastbound and a blue late eighties mudstain with white racing stripes comes up from behind and does the "slow look". Keeping pace with me (65 mph) and holding. He's got a monster tach and other assorted nonsense on the dash. He keeps pace with me for a little while longer then fades away behind me and tucks in. He didn't want any....oh well. He wanted some at first, but I didn't feel the need to waste the gas, and I was too lazy to turn the alky off.

5 miles up the road I come up on a new Saleen. Young dude with the hat on backwards, seat cranked to barely breach the dash. I actually slow down for this guy. I kind of hover next to him holding speed. He slows down and gets behind an SUV.

A beautiful day in Dallas, no one wants to play. I am never going to get to put the Hofer tranny to the test at this rate.