Ufc 52

Double Overhead

New Member
Apr 6, 2005
Just wondering what you guys thought of UFC 52. I thought there was some great fights. The one where that farmboy got a nut shot and came back and choked out that A-Hole was my favorite.

The main event was a little disappointing even though Liddell landed a solid right and knocked out Couture. All and all I had fun watching it with the fellas.
I haven't caught a new UFC in a while. Tank Abbott still in the game? He's my boy!
All in all it was pretty good. Matt Hughes did rally after the nut shot.

I like Randy and Chuck. Would have liked to have seen it go longer. Randy was a little off balance pushing off the fence and just got nailed. Chuck has definately stepped up his game.

Last weeks fights on Spike were great. Free too!
damn, randy lost?

I thought that guy was unbeatable

Hes still one of the greatest UFC fighters ever in my book, I have to say Him and Pedro Rizzo are tops as far as skill and class. I havent watched any lately, last one I saw was when Couture whooped that punk B**** tito ortiz' ass
You're right on Pablo.

Randy has class, Pedro is bad ass and Tito is a punk ass.

My all time favorite was Don Frye.
Don Frye is the craziest guy, seriously I saw him beat some 7,0 foot tall 350 pound asian guy down. HE is the definition of crazy.
Originally posted by DCEPTCN
I haven't caught a new UFC in a while. Tank Abbott still in the game? He's my boy!

Tank is fighting here on May 7th vs. a local guy nicknamed "Cabbage". :cool:
Most interesting one to me was the first one, that nutball "Mayhem" kid who got his ass beat by the Canadian guy. That kid had to have been whacked out on something, I swear, lol....