USA A Failure: Arnett Reports

What a diaper full.
Guess he thinks he's president or a general.
stupid enough to be a hollyweird celebrity.
all too often, news reporters think THEY are the news, and that their inane utterances carry the same weight as heads of state.

Arnett's pathetic propganda echos similarly to the former UN weapons inspector and pro-Saddam idiot, Scott Ritter ...

Many of you may recall Ritter was arrested (out on bail now) in a sting operation ... Ritter was trolling chat groups trying to get sex with young teenage girls ... when he showed up to what he thought was going to be a hot night with a 13 yr old, he was met by the FBI instead. What a pathetic loser ...

I hope the same for Arnett...
Now I'd like to see some next of kin sue the dodo out of NBC, and National Geo.. I'm not a fan of law suits by any means, but this is something they need to be held accountible for.

And enough with the gun pointed to his head claims like LAST time. If he wants to act stupid and stay in a hostile fire zone, then he should be willing to take ALL the responsibilities that goes with that stupid of decision.

I hope he and Connie have some long talks in the unemployment lines.