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Utah Pistol Permit


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Just stay out of DC... ride the Beltway around it if you can. I avoid DC like a plague, unless I ABSOLUTELY HAVE to go there, I don't anymore.
US Handgun Reciprocity Among States

"Unloaded and in the trunk" is a fine Federal allowance for pure transport through "unfriendly states," but obviously not up-to-snuff for those with concealed carry permits in their home state and want to carry outside their state. This table of reciprocity between given states for concealed carry is useful.
I'm already hearing rumors from our firearms instructors that a lot of new changes our coming from the President Obama administration as far as closing loop holes like this with Utah and a couple other states.

It took over (10) years to get HR-218 passed for law enforcement so I can assure you that the liberals will eventually put the kabash to this loop hole.

If you are not a convicted Felon or have no domestic violence convictions and have passed a pistol safety course I don't see why one could not carry outside the state one has the permit in. But considering how long it took to get HR-218 passed I see the loop hole closing very soon. Nevada just put the Kabash to this July 1st 2009.
Here in Texas, the Utah permit was the easiest to obtain. 4 hours class instruction for $100 and then mail off the completed forms and another $65 to Utah. No gun range time required. Also good for 5 years, and a renewal is simply paying a $25 reapp fee.
Here in Texas, its like 10 hours class and several hours gun range time, and you have to retake the class everytime you renew.

Just sent my paperwork and app off to Utah 2 weeks ago.
No gun range time required.
That's great...:rolleyes: Just what we need, a bouch yahoos carrying guns who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Maybe MS-13 members can give them shooting lessons...:rolleyes:
That's great...:rolleyes: Just what we need, a bouch yahoos carrying guns who couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Maybe MS-13 members can give them shooting lessons...:rolleyes:
From what I hear, the gun range time is a joke since its such a controlled environment, and you can basically shoot into the dirt and still pass, so its a waste of time for anyone who has handled a gun before.
The Utah instructor encourages you to go out in the country and practice shooting one handed, quick drawing, etc, things you can't do at a gun range because that will simulate real world situations more than both hands on the gun, consentrated shooting, aiming for seconds or more, etc like would be at a range.
From what I hear, the gun range time is a joke since its such a controlled environment, and you can basically shoot into the dirt and still pass, so its a waste of time for anyone who has handled a gun before.
The Utah instructor encourages you to go out in the country and practice shooting one handed, quick drawing, etc, things you can't do at a gun range because that will simulate real world situations more than both hands on the gun, consentrated shooting, aiming for seconds or more, etc like would be at a range.

In NC you have to shoot at a torso target and hit 30, I think, in the black out of 50 shots at varied distances...