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Vacuum Leaks???????


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Hello.. the vac leaks could be a zillion places.
Whats your current tune, combo, etc.
Read up on as much info on these cars as possible...searchs reading up at, etc
vacumm leaks?

But is there a way to eliminate them? How can I check for vacuum leaks?
a small propane tank and a small hose kit for it.
when the car sucks in the propane the idle will change a lot.
Vacuum leaks???

Ok I'm a rookie so bear with me I dont understand what you are telling me to do?:confused:
ther is a kit that you put on a propane tank then you spray the propane via a very small hose around the engine looking for a reaction from the engine.
and at what ever location you get a reaction their is you leak location.
By reaction, he means a change in the idle characteristics (little higher idle when the propane is pulled into the leak).
vacuum leaks?

Ok where do I get the kit from and I use propane would it explode or start a fire?
i take windex and spray on/around the coil pak and along the plug wires before using FLAMABLE brake clean from a spraycan. most of the time wetting the plug wires will show any volt/SPARK leak. get the idea? you will be spraying FLAMABLE gas on a running engine looking for an idle speed increase when you spray the FLAMABLE gas on/near the vacumn not spray on/near the alt. before doing this, i would hands on go thru the vacumn hoses ,looking for cracked or brittle rubber lines,then snug your lower intake manifold bolts.when you get to the rearmost intake bolts, try to look of run a finger across the lower intake. if there is gobs of an oil/grease like substance i'd suspect an intake leak at this spot.btw....i can keep
Carb cleaner, with a nozzle on the can for precision, work good too. Keep it away from the exhaust.