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vid of internal combustion


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Good stuff

Cool. I'll bet that camera lense did'nt live too many cycles in that invironment. Do we know what typy of engine this was?
very cool!!!

I've been wondering if anyone has or could do that. too bad that vid. cuts the exhaust cycle a little short.

thanks for posting!
That's freakin cool!

If you watch the intake valve closely, it seems to be rotating the whole
time. Maybe it's just an illusion.
wow crazy. and it does look like the valve is spinning the whole time.

Suck, :o
Squeeze, :mad:
Bang, :D
Blow!!! :eek:

From the looks of it, it looks like a 3 valve head setup. I would suspect either Japanese or European.
Very cool video tho.

good call on the iridium plugs. also i didnt notice the 3 valves till you pointed it out.
i see 4 valves...but i may be wrong

Yeah, I went back and looked ............. 4 valves for sure!
I would have thought that the flame front would travel in some "uniform fashion", starting from the plug, but it "looks" like it is all over the place.
Very cool video. :cool: