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W (George Bush Movie)


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Pelennor Fields
Feb 8, 2004
Rented this the other nite. Kinda lame I thought but well done. Is it really possible that someone like that was in charge of our country for (8) years? Well, considering the state we are in now I guess not but WOW!
Rented this the other nite. Kinda lame I thought but well done. Is it really possible that someone like that was in charge of our country for (8) years? Well, considering the state we are in now I guess not but WOW!

This probably belongs in the political section.
However I wonder how long we will demonize the previous
administration to and ignore the policies and problems
with the existing one?
Oh it was more of an observation of the movie and history of former President Bush then anything else. Every administration will have issues.

As a movie I guess it was done well but he was portrayed as such a Fuk-up most of his life. How much of the movie was fact vs. fiction I have no idea. But even if 1/3 of it was true he was truly a bafoon and fooled many, including myself. Appears to have had a very high IQ tho.
I am waiting for the same Hollywood producers and directors to come out with a Bill & Monica movie.

I dont not inhale sex..Uh... I did not have sex inhalations...Uh I did not have sexual relations with that woman. But I did jizz on her dress.:biggrin:
He was the biggest F$#cking putz I have ever seen.
Was in the service at the time and I remember the Japanese guys I worked wlaughing at his dumb a$$ saying horny president.
I rememebr that whole shoot missles at africa thing to try and distract attention off of him.

I dont not inhale sex..Uh... I did not have sex inhalations...Uh I did not have sexual relations with that woman. But I did jizz on her dress.:biggrin:
He was the biggest F$#cking putz I have ever seen.
Was in the service at the time and I remember the Japanese guys I worked wlaughing at his dumb a$$ saying horny president.
I rememebr that whole shoot missles at africa thing to try and distract attention off of him.

Amen to that. He was truly an embarassment to that office.
BC is a major reason we are in the mess we are right now and he circumvented the rules/laws that let an American corporation sell our missile guidance teck to Red China so now they can put an ICBM on the White House lawn or shoot a satellite out of space. What really should be done to an American that does this? :confused:
BC is a major reason we are in the mess we are right now and he circumvented the rules/laws that let an American corporation sell our missile guidance teck to Red China so now they can put an ICBM on the White House lawn or shoot a satellite out of space. What really should be done to an American that does this? :confused:

Then we worry about other countries doing the same thing? Damn China has a 1.5 trillion Dollar investment in the US. I years ago that they would be a huge problem for us one day....................thank you Walmart! :mad:
I rented it from Redbox a few days ago also and I liked it. It was a good movie to watch even if you are or were a Bush fan. The movie kept on track with my views of him over the past 8 years. His first election I was a fan like many others but then as things came out and choices were made I fell off the band wagon fast. I feel that Kerry would not have been a better choice in 04' so I voted Bush again only because I was not impressed one bit by Kerry. If the dems would have put a better candidate up in 04' and Bush lost I think he would have been looked upon much better by today’s standards but it seems like he just sunk himself for the last 4 years and the movie reflects this. You never know maybe when Obama's term is up he will have a movie about his years in they could call it "An Obomination" :eek: ;)
Had Kerry been elected... they would not need to film a movie about him. They already have one, "The Munsters", starring Kerry look-alike Herman Munster! I don't know who could play Kerry's wife in a film... Maybe that old horse, Mr. Ed??? :)
Had Kerry been elected... they would not need to film a movie about him. They already have one, "The Munsters", starring Kerry look-alike Herman Munster! I don't know who could play Kerry's wife in a film... Maybe that old horse, Mr. Ed??? :)

I saw the movie when it was in the theaters. I too liked it. It was a movie. It was entertainment. It was not history. I wondered what Oliver Stones slant was? I was thinking left wing slander but all I saw was right wing rhetorick. The scene where he goes ballistic over the fact that there was no WMDs found in Iraq was the best part IMO. The casting was spot on too. Richard Dreyfus as Cheney. Whoo Boy what happened to his shotgun?:confused:

If anything was to be learned from this movie that could be considered actual the fact that drinking does kill brain cells.:rolleyes:
However I wonder how long we will demonize the previous administration to and ignore the policies and problems with the existing one?

Well John, for the past 8 years the previous admin (Clinton) was demonized by the Bushies and they ignored the policies and problems with the then existing one. So the answer is never if history repeats itself.
Klinton was a true idiot that got impeached by the house for lying and buffoon attempts at a coverup. :rolleyes:

Bush stole two elections and thumbed his nose at the lying lefties for years. :biggrin:

Never got caught for anything, but of course the lying lefties had to try to make him look like an evil idiot. :p

That only works in Hollyweird. :biggrin:

Movies about Kerry and Gore couldn't be made interesting enough for the "educated" idiot elite to attend. :o
Rented this the other nite. Kinda lame I thought but well done. Is it really possible that someone like that was in charge of our country for (8) years? Well, considering the state we are in now I guess not but WOW!

Hollywood is notoriously liberal so it is reasonable to believe that they would selectively omit the fact that the economy was good and the market up for 6 of the 8 years he and the R's were in control - Then enter: Nancy Pelosi and the D's took control of Congress making the Prez a "lame duck" and a couple of years later we have the current condition.

It is too bad that so many make there decisions based on what they see and hear in the movies and TV...from the likes of Oprah and Letterman.
Hollywood is notoriously liberal so it is reasonable to believe that they would selectively omit the fact that the economy was good and the market up for 6 of the 8 years he and the R's were in control - Then enter: Nancy Pelosi and the D's took control of Congress making the Prez a "lame duck" and a couple of years later we have the current condition.

It is too bad that so many make there decisions based on what they see and hear in the movies and TV...from the likes of Oprah and Letterman.

Actually the economy was in a bubble waiting to burst like it did for maybe 3-4 years not 6-8. So it's now Obama's fault that we are in a recession now? News flash: He has only been there a few months so common sense would point the finger at the previous president and his policies or lack of them.

And the 600 Billion spent in Iraq when former President Bush was in office played no role in our current financial crises either I suppose...:rolleyes:

Cmon, get back to reality.
Actually the economy was in a bubble waiting to burst like it did for maybe 3-4 years not 6-8. So it's now Obama's fault that we are in a recession now? News flash: He has only been there a few months so common sense would point the finger at the previous president and his policies or lack of them.

And the 600 Billion spent in Iraq when former President Bush was in office played no role in our current financial crises either I suppose...:rolleyes:

Cmon, get back to reality.

SEE POST #8 :o
I haven't seen the movie, but amlooking forward to it. Politically though, despite the killer taxes we were ALL doin well under Clinton and the R-congress. Even created a budget surplus from insurmountable debt. The Republicans lost their way when W came in. But the real killer IMO was how Strong everything was UNTIL America didn't have a clear election winner for 30 days(OK, ever), and the first thing the retard I'd voted for had to say was that there was economic decline coming. Well NO SH!T, now there is I thought!

Back to the topic at hand tho.....