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West Coast Nationals in Last Vegas report.


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Heck, I would have threw in a 100 in sponsor ship if id known they needed more for payouts, Gosh.

What were the payouts?, I got 300 for runner up in TSO at BG this year

I'd match whatever Nepoleon throws in.....
Ok, first Id like eveyone to know who who is who.....I m Jon, I along with Craig and Jack have done this event for 5 years. We are long time buick owners and racers, unfortunately life gets in the way sometimes. This year was one of those times. I know I have a wife 8 months pregnant and my lovely 2.75 year old daughter to keep me busy. I know Craig has had his fair share of life problems this year. I know that Jack has been very busy with work. In short we all fell alittle short, we all knew fuel costs and the economy would deter some regulars..... We are at a point were it will either stop or grow.....I know that Jack has put in to much work and as of right now Jack will not be involved next year, by his own decision, he would rather have more fun then the hassle. Its well understood. Me and Craig are also involved in other types of cars, so we have several ideas to get the event to grow and be more then just Buicks.....but at the same time avoid some of the down sides of being just Buicks.....primarely sharing the track....More on this in the future.

As for sponsers......well.......I love em......but honestly I don t know how to answer when any sponsor asks, what do I get? ......well sponsors are just that sponsors, we don t give them free entry....we don t comp them rooms, we don t buy them dinner (unless we want to cause they are just great friends), we don t get them show tickets........we give them some shirts....and only sometimes.....BTW I have alot of xxl shirts left, the primary reason payouts sucked... Lets just say that next year alot of raffle prizes will be this years shirt....

Guys like but not limited to......Jason Crammer, Bruce Toelle, Len Freeman, Dick Kearny, Lou Czarzanoto, Paul Ferry, Jack Cotton, John Craig, Kevin (plaques and engraving) , (sorry about the butchery spelling) are ONLY into it because they LIKE IT. I have dealt with these people for 5 years....and believe me they HAVE NO alterior motives.....They give us all money and prizes just because they like what they are doing and because fortunately they can . The fact that they might make a sale here and really a small small by product that in no way even comes close to what they have given.

As for Steve Hurst and the BGNRA......This is the good part.....I received a phone call from Steve alittle while ago regarding this very thread. I ended up hanging up on Steve. Its my opinion that Steve would not stop talking long enough to let me respond. Its my opinion that he took several verbal shots at me , my freinds and some sponsors of the event. The last draw was when I tried to be diplomatic and respond but Steve IMO would not stop talking long enough for me to do so. So ......more of my opinions....

In the past, I know that the BGNRA or people in it have, taken credit for, or insinuated that the buick westcoastnats race was part of or related to the bgnra in some fashion. This has never overly bothered me in the past, I always figured , well the more its talked about the better, it probably won t hurt......Now MY opinion has CHANGED.

The BGNRA WILL IN NO WAY BE ASKED< BE CONDONED to advertise, to ask for donations, to donate anything, to support in anyway, or take credit for , the buick westcoast nats in anyway.

In the past.......I won a BGNRA race....I went about 7 rounds...made 12 passes that day, paid what I felt was too much money and I WON A TROPHY. It seemed apparent that over several races by the BGNRA that they always had the same prizes......I don t know if they ever raffled any or if the prizes were the same prizes race after race....

When the BGNRA came to Vegas, I have it upon good authority that deals were made to get rooms in Las Vegas at other times of the year for the BGNRA use. Not a bad thing I guess if your in the BGNRA.

Steve Hurst, on todays phone call.......well he said most it turns out. He said he would hit Jason Crammer in the face, He said that several people came to him during the race in Vegas and said that Me, Craig and Jack don t know what were doing......and that he should take over the race......He insiutated that the only reason people come is because he did it first.....He repeatedly insulted me, and my friends......

The only reason we even started doing it was because we had repeated bad experiences with the BGNRA ....... I don t know if the BGNRA ever collected anything(on behalf of) the westcoast nats that was not received, I will never know, I do know that Im sure I do not want or need any help from the BGNRA. I don t feel they have acted morally in regards to Me, Jack, Craig and some of the sponsors regarding there roles their efforts. Steve, if you call back, Ill be glad to talk to you, but when I say "HOLD ON" "STOP, HOLD ON" that means shut your trap. If you want to threaten me, Jason, or almost anyone else physically, grow up...

As for the future........The event will continue, it will be better.

So far, it looks good that we will be raffling a complete running GN next year so save your money......probably 100$ tickets.....120 or so max sold.....

By the way, it comes as little surprise that the gate fees at lvms were not as they were supose to be, Iknow Cause we pay to get in too, belive it or not....and Jack was over charged, and Crammer was charged more then he was suppose tobe for racing too.....This will be a big topic when I get toh=gether with the track rep, and hopefully remidied.

On another note......ALL race entry (not gate) next year too.
Heck, I would have threw in a 100 in sponsor ship if id known they needed more for payouts, Gosh.

What were the payouts?, I got 300 for runner up in TSO at BG this year

My quetion is how much is it, was it to race at BG? I know we have gate fee issues, to addrress and such but hopefully we can solve that next year.
Oh the NA guys......they are a class act, and more impressive every year. I admit , I was never into the NA class, or the cars so much....this year, my favorive car.......was in that class, and I deffinately want to do more for them as a group, they are fast with class, no doubt.
1320 said:
My quetion is how much is it, was it to race at BG? I know we have gate fee issues, to addrress and such but hopefully we can solve that next year.

from my GSnats 2004 form
pre registration: $10 spectator/ day
Tuesday $30 race
Wed-Sat $25/day race
+ $25 registration fee

pay at the gate $15-18 spectator/day
racers $35-30/day + $50 one time registration fee.

BTW Steve left me a message too. it was not pretty.

I think these "people" that want Steve to take over the race are the same "people" that appointed him as the BGNRA president...... just mainly STEVE himself.
Race Jace said:
from my GSnats 2004 form
pre registration: $10 spectator/ day
Tuesday $30 race
Wed-Sat $25/day race
+ $25 registration fee

pay at the gate $15-18 spectator/day
racers $35-30/day + $50 one time registration fee.

BTW Steve left me a message too. it was not pretty.

I think these "people" that want Steve to take over the race are the same "people" that appointed him as the BGNRA president...... just mainly STEVE himself.

I was glad to go, turn-out was a lttle low for my tastes, but what can you do? I have gone every year and will continue to do so. I am glad you guys put on this event and I hope it can get better and better. The car raffling thing is a kick-ass idea, I'm definitly down for that. :)

I just wanted to step in and say thank you. I have gone every year, never with a car (always apart) :) I love this event and want to see it grow.. I enjoy and look forward to it each year, and I promise (hoepfully next) I will have a car there. :)

I would also be willing to help out with donations to help this event grow.

I plan to attend every year this is put on.

Thanks for the great time!
Rick Elam

I bet the supra guys got DVD's already. :D :D :D

they probably do so get those vids posted. :)
Not to ruin all this fun buick Drama but I forgot to get a shirt for a friend who could not make the event............ are there any 2XL shirts or sweaters left over?
Guess what I got today?

The same phone call that has been seemingly passed around today. I think Mr Hurst's fingers may be sore from dialing. He called while I was out in the field today working on the ranch and I said I would get back to him over this situation, which I both neither knew or know about and have no desire to. I will say that I was asked to remove the thread and "do something about it" .
I told him I would get back to him
Instead I think I will speak my peace here. He may be mad at me , but this is what I feel. First of all , I will speak of what I DO KNOW.

1) I was at the race and in Vegas the whole time. I donated money for, I donated money for PTS XTREME, and I gave The winner Paul $100.00 cash in front of everybody after the race for having the best Light with a win in the stage class eliminations. ( Maybe next year Micale will be a little more on the ball, but you know these old guys). I also paid for all my entries and everything else I did. I did not have any Transmission wares or sell anything but I do have a new radiator we took out to show people. I didn't try to sell a thing for or PTS. All I took was the banner which Micale wore "proudly" on his trailer. LOLOLOL
Just little ole me having a blast with a great bunch of guys. I even got to meet and spend time with Len and I think we hit it off great. Start of a good relationship.

2) I would like to thank the guys, Jack, Jon, and Craig for the excuse to go to Vegas that the wife cannot dispute. "It is for honey"......yea right... what a crock! I enjoyed being with you guys. The Bodrosians, Sod, Manny and Robbie are all great people. Got to spend time with Don Wang, who I felt so bad for, after windowing his motor on the last pass ruining the rest of his weekend. but EVEN at that , he had a smile. Meeting with Razor, Paul, Russ, Otto, Miles, John, Micales and THE WHOLE ARIZONA GANG who I KNOW ATE well, cause friggin Micale gave the bill to the waitress telling her I was paying for dinner at 1 in the morning for 14 people, Which I did without incident. Man am I gullible.
Geoff and Guy, from Hawaii are always great people, and I had a great time with them.
Ask Nick who picked up his wife from the airport on their anniversary while he was playing around with that slow white POS thing he drives.
I helped out a nice guy from Orange County and got him to run quicker than he did previously and he was thrilled. He even let me drive his car for a pass but it was right after Donnie Wang windowed his motor and the car never did hook right. But, first pass in a while and had fun.

3) The people I met, hung out with , gambled with , and seemingly provided dinner for, I enjoyed every minute of it. Reaper, you shocked me sitting right next to me and no clue you were who you were.
Then you got dinner too, huh?
Anyway, To all I met and had fun with , thanks, it was all well worth it. Even though the turnout could have been better, who can say, other than Don Wang, they didn't go home after having fun?
That is what most of this is about anyway.
The racing part we can work on but the friendships and the good times will always be remembered.
Terri Played blackjack and learned it was fun.We all had a good time.
The Hawaiian guys are always a blast to have around. All Joe (gofstbuick) wanted was to meet them. after asking me repeatedly where they were, it turns out Geoff is standing in front of us in line at the track. I noticed it was him and told Joe, "There he is, you can go home now" ROFL.! That BTW was the last we saw of Joe as He was confined to site seeing with the family. Next year he is going with me.

Now, as it will be posted somewhere, The Lens Performance Transmissions decal placed on my rear window looks damn good!! That was another Vegas Classic!!!

All in fun and nobody could be funnier than Mr Miles. What do you really expect from a potato farmer?

Now, Mr. Jason Cramer.
The person this whole BGNRA thing seems to have started from and is about. Well, I have known Jason for quite some time. I know he is brilliant in so many ways, I wouldn't know where to start. Also in lue of being one of the nicest and accomidating people I have ever met I KNOW the one thing he is NOT, is a liar!!!!!!
I would be willing to side with Jason on just about anything the man has to say or do. My agreement with BGNRA as a sponser is I run a banner ad for them and he inserts TB.coms banner in his newsletter. No money changes hands and it is a straight across trade ad. If he feels that I am not holding up my end by not editing this thread in any way shape or form, and he eliminates from his newsletter, so be it. This thread and it's contents are NOT going anywhere and I would like to see exactly what does come out in the wash. There are 5 people who know what went on here. Steve, Jack, Craig, Jon, and it seems Jason. 4 out of 5 are some pretty damn good odds.
If what has been accusated is true, than , I believe it is a blatent blow to all of us and an insult to those who worked to put this event on that we all enjoy. If it turns out to be not true, which is not looking real good at this point, Than Mr Hurst would be owed an apology. But again, has nothing to do with this. Neither do I. I do wish though that this was hashed out in another thread so the people that did have a great time, enjoyed themselves and who maybe took pics could post the pics and their enjoyable experiances in Vegas at the Nats.

Again, I had a fantastic time and knew nothing of any of this, so I am not the one to judge. But like in the NFL, I have not seen or heard from anybody but one person, who we all know who that is, to overturn anything. In fact, I would like to know more about exactly what took place. For the last 3 years I have gave cash to the best light in eliminations with a win. Right there $100.00 out of my pocket after the races and every year but this year, as Paul won it, it went to Race Jace. This on top of sponsering the event, with two seperate businesses, with the expectation of nothing in return.
I realize Mr Hurst may be mad at me, but knowing the people who are involved here, I tend to lean their way. Until I or they, are proven wrong, this thread will live and go on.
I only kinda wish that it wasn't in the middle of all the good time we had.
BTW... Mr. Merritt and Otto, you are not in New England anymore. If you wish to snake hunt expect to find one out here.LOL
The tables were good to me, the community was great and I had a blast , which I desperatly needed. Thanks to all, the people who put on the event, the people I hung out with, and all the people that supported and attended the event. It was a blast as always. I hope next year we can make it even better and I will always be there to support it.

LV GN said:
i also want to thank lou. he has always been a good friend to me and was a very nice thing to donate the money this year. thanks lou. when i get back to utah im going to buy him a very large sheep to keep him company when he's here in vegas! lol
Glad to offer some support & aplogize for bringing a chevy to a buick race. But seeing all them fast Buicks made me drool & wish I had one again.If I lived in Vegas you can bet I would. The track situation in CA. is pathetic.You & Lisa have always been kind to me. So hit me up again for the next race. P.S. make sure that sheep is a blonde with a flat head,no teeth & big ears LOL
WE4 said:
Reaper, you shocked me sitting right next to me and no clue you were who you were.
Then you got dinner too, huh?

Yes Josh and I ate very well! Thanks Bruce. your a lot cooler then people give you credit for :D

It was great to meet more class act buick guys. I met to many to remember so I will not try to remember everyone. I look forward to next year!
krom said:
Here are the Supra ones, I had a call early monday from a Supra owner bragging about the big showdown race and was he not even there.
did they think they had a big win? the intercooler hose came off. they must have known something was wrong. we didnt send an 11 sec. gn out to race them! tell them rematch anytime vegas or phoenix. :mad:
LV GN said:
did they think they had a big win? the intercooler hose came off. they must have known something was wrong. we didnt send an 11 sec. gn out to race them! tell them rematch anytime vegas or phoenix. :mad:

I understand, have been trying to race his 500hp Supra for a couple of years and he will not go to the track.
1320 said:
Ok, ...but at the same time avoid some of the down sides of being just Buicks.....Primarily sharing the track....More on this in the future.

As you mentioned, a track rental with the supras is a great idea. I think this is just what we need to make this event allot better. They we would have control of the track schedule. It would let us plan some social events. The track changing the schedule is why it has been so difficult to schedule any kind of dinner or get together.

1320 said:
As for sponsors......well.......I love em......but honestly I don t know how to answer when any sponsor asks, what do I get? ...

They get as much as any sponsor of any event. They get their name on the T-shirt and their name announced over the loud speaker as a sponsor. Maybe we can have an event schedule handed out by the track gate people telling of all the different things going on and listing the sponsors.

1320 said:
As for the future........The event will continue, it will be better.

That is what we all want. From all the e-mails i am receiving lately there are allot of guys that really want to help if they are just told what you need help with.

1320 said:
So far, it looks good that we will be raffling a complete running GN next year so save your money......probably 100$ tickets.....120 or so max sold.....

That is awesome, I’m in for one of those tickets.

1320 said:
By the way, it comes as little surprise that the gate fees at lvms were not as they were suppose to be, Iknow Cause we pay to get in too, believe it or not....and Jack was over charged, and Cramer was charged more then he was suppose tobe for racing too.....This will be a big topic when I get toh=gether with the track rep, and hopefully remedied.

What Jon means by this is he negotiated with the track the entrance fee price. What Jon and the track agreed upon was $20 racer and $15 spectator (Buick buys only) each for Friday or Saturday. For some reason it was $40 to test and tune on Friday and $15 for spectator. Saturday was $30 to race and $12 to spectate. This was the tracks error.
Wow, and here I thought I was special 'cause Steve Hurst threatened me with physical violence. I don't know Jason on a personal level, but on the brief occasion that I spoke to him for a second he was a super nice guy. I say Steve should be unofficially uninvited henceforth.
Now, as it will be posted somewhere, The Lens Performance Transmissions decal placed on my rear window looks damn good!! That was another Vegas Classic!!!
:D :D :D :D
I just planted the seed :biggrin:


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