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West Coast Nationals in Last Vegas report.


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I knew it would make it here by Friday!

And, I thought it was funny as hell! Len is a good guy and I laughed as hard as the next guy. I am always in for a good clean fun joke. Len and I had some conversation and alot of fun discussing different things. I think it is the start of a good relationship, both professional and personal.
Wait till next year, as we already have a decal set for him!LOL
Anyway, leave it to Geno to post the pic. Again, I thought it to be a riot.
What is an event like this worth if we cannot have fun and laugh at ourselves and our friends?
Next year we will try to put together a get together for all to attend and meet everybody else. I think that would be so cool.
See the way I look at it is as nice of truck that I have , it brought "class" to Len's place! :biggrin: LOLOLOLOLOL Thanks Len.
Anyway, I had a great time and hope everybody else did too. THAT is the objective of these types of events. Fun and our Buicks.
Also, lessons learned at this event...........Never go looking for snakes if you do not expect to find one....LOL That is still hilarious. I had no idea Merrit could run that fast. Maybe, just maybe, he should run down the track instead of racing his car. We will just throw a snake at him when the light turns green and he could probobly qualify for the Quick 16!!!!LOL
Run, Russ, run!!! :D

First, as I can see, I probably missed one of the better events so far. My bad. I was looking forward to seeing many of those I talk with and have yet to meet along with all the great people I have met there in the past two years. Next year for sure.

Jason, for what it is worth, I would go into battle with you any day. From what I have seen of you over the past two years, you are someone I would trust completely, no doubts there. Someone with your stature to stand and speak out tells me you are totally accurate in your statements. Bravo!!!!!!!!

I am no promoter by any means, but I think including people from the Chevy and Ford communities as well would be a great move. Head count would be way larger, plus the life long rivals between the Ford, Chevy, and Turbo Buick crowds would make for some great bragging rights and down right nasty grudge racing. Just a thought. Plus everyone from the southwest would be up for a Vegas trip in October I would think.

This whole event is a great idea and should live on and grow. Just as the Buick community is shrinking, including more street racers would breath more life I think. Turning it into a street brawl of Detroit muscle would be something to gain more notice from the press. It also would give you guys a chance to show some to these 'stang and Camaro guys the legend of the Buick 3.8 turbo is based in fact, not just folklore.
WE4 said:
And, I thought it was funny as hell! Len is a good guy and I laughed as hard as the next guy. I am always in for a good clean fun joke. Len and I had some conversation and alot of fun discussing different things. I think it is the start of a good relationship, both professional and personal.
Wait till next year, as we already have a decal set for him!LOL
Anyway, leave it to Geno to post the pic. Again, I thought it to be a riot.
What is an event like this worth if we cannot have fun and laugh at ourselves and our friends?
Next year we will try to put together a get together for all to attend and meet everybody else. I think that would be so cool.
See the way I look at it is as nice of truck that I have , it brought "class" to Len's place! :biggrin: LOLOLOLOLOL Thanks Len.
Anyway, I had a great time and hope everybody else did too. THAT is the objective of these types of events. Fun and our Buicks.
Also, lessons learned at this event...........Never go looking for snakes if you do not expect to find one....LOL That is still hilarious. I had no idea Merrit could run that fast. Maybe, just maybe, he should run down the track instead of racing his car. We will just throw a snake at him when the light turns green and he could probobly qualify for the Quick 16!!!!LOL
Run, Russ, run!!! :D


If you saw the look of horror on Otto's face and the voice of someone that wasn't us, in the middle of nowhere comin out from under a big piece of cardboard..................WTF!!! :eek:

There could have been 50 King Cobras between me and Lens shop.......They would have been hamburger........Otto, your on your own man.....SEE YA!

Like the guy was gonna beat us up or somethin....... :D Too funny!! One of the greatest moments of all time.....
Responding To Prior Accusations.

These entire communications regarding Steve Hurst and the BGNRA are Absurd. About a month ago Craig called Steve Hurst and asked If he would be able to obtain any raffle items. Steve said he would try. Money was never discussed or offered by Steve. Mr. Hurst DID NOT HAVE to take his personal time to obtain raffle items for the West Coast Buick event at Las Vegas. However, since he loves the Buicks and enjoys being a part of the events he did so! Steve also placed a Advertisement in our most current newsletter and on our club website encouraging people to attend the event without receiving any funds to do so.

The BGNRA nor Steve Hurst DID NOT RECEIVE ANY MONEY for placing theses ads. Whoever your reliable contact is stating that Steve received money, have him call me, Richelle Hurst, 714 991 9565.. . I would like to talk to him!!!

As far as Jason pulling something from the past, speaking of the year 2000. . . , , , which we put on the website. . . The Track had told Steve that they would be giving out Trophies, . . . since they did not, this was not the BGNRA's fault. Steve did follow-up with the track about the trophies to no avail . . AND about leaving the track before the ending. . five years ago we also stated that I had and still have health problems, there fore we left early. Apparently Jason has forgotten or needs to be told more than once.

I will not lower myself to you children's antics on the website. . . . you can badger and bad mouth all you want. . you state you do not want help from the BGNRA again. . . fine. . We do not want to be a part of sniffling babies who can't get their facts straight but want to blame, blame, blame, especially Steve Hurst.

Steve came through, raffle prizes were provided, which I assume you raffled off and obtained money for your event. MONEY WAS NEVER PROMISED NOR COLLECTED. . AND YES, I WOULD LIKE TO SPEAK TO THE PERSON WHO SAYS THEY GAVE MONEY TO STEVE. . .




714 991 9565
hey lv gn len freemen

tell tim i said great jodb on that run and did he trans brake it and did it pull the whelles like he whated to

well thanks

your pal

aj thomas
puddinpower said:
tell tim i said great jodb on that run and did he trans brake it and did it pull the whelles like he whated to

well thanks

your pal

aj thomas
hi aj---yes tim has been transbrake launching and always gets 1 tire off the ground and got both wheels off the ground a few times at the track this weekend. are you guys going to noble ok. next week? paul, tim and i will be there. take care. Len
I've missed this shindig 2 years in a row now, dammit...

I did make it the first 3 years!

A little more "I know"...I know that Jon, Craig and Jack are good people. They all personally contacted me in 2001 when they started this fine get-together. They've treated me & the wife great when we've been there. Only wish they didn't have to run around like their asses are on fire the whole time so we could get better aquainted. I know that these 3 guys ALWAYS did whatever they could to make the weekend a fun time for all. Whenever they had a spare minute, they stopped by the wife & me several times to check on how we were doing, were we enjoying ourselves, did we need anything, and always thanking us...

We've also met and enjoyed the company of MANY other fine folks! (can't name ya all, won't even try!)

2002, ditto...
2003, ditto...

And I'm sure nothing changed in '04 and '05! :)

And to the best of my recollection: aside from Jon, Craig & Jack, no one has ever approached me or my wife as an "event organizer". Nuff said about that-

Next year I'll do better, I promise---and hopefully I'll even BE there! (with the slowest TR on earth too!)
I am no promoter by any means, but I think including people from the Chevy and Ford communities as well would be a great move. Head count would be way larger, plus the life long rivals between the Ford, Chevy, and Turbo Buick crowds would make for some great bragging rights and down right nasty grudge racing. Just a thought. Plus everyone from the southwest would be up for a Vegas trip in October I would think.

This whole event is a great idea and should live on and grow. Just as the Buick community is shrinking, including more street racers would breath more life I think. Turning it into a street brawl of Detroit muscle would be something to gain more notice from the press. It also would give you guys a chance to show some to these 'stang and Camaro guys the legend of the Buick 3.8 turbo is based in fact, not just folklore.[/QUOTE]

Great idea, the impala SS crowd has had a vegas event previously where alot of east coasters came out, not to mention combination motorsports is down the street from the track and are big in the impala world. Most impala SS owners know about gn's, hence why i bought mine. I'll be sure to mention it to the impala SS crowd over at whenever you guys plan something
hurstbuick said:

714 991 9565
well its too bad steve gets to out of hand to speak on the phone to straighten this whole thing out. what i would like to know is where is the 11lb. box that kirban sent him with the dvd's and kirban books and catalog's that went out on the 29th of sept? also i would think it would be safe to say that if anyone gave steve any money for this event and he kept it you can rest assured we will find out and you and he will be the one worrying about legal action. we wont even get into the the threat about punching jason in the face. i think steve is a little too old for that. and there is not one person on this board that would ever let that happen.
If you feel so inclined to start a court case, feel free to include Steve's original private message to me:
Co-sponsorship?????????? WHO started this one!!!!!
Jack, Who said the BGNRA was a Co-Sponsorship of your guys event. All I ever have done is give you guys some raffles items (and by the way get little if any mention about it on any chat pages) from you guys. Also who the hell say I was going to give you guys a $1000.00 cash for this event was are you "NUTS" I want you to go to turbobuick and post on it that I never promise you or your two buddies any $$$ at all. I would like to tell you I was asked to step up and put on this event and run it the right way.

Steve Hurst, President-BGNRA
Oh, and I see you took down my picture from your website. Now if you'd drop the other one from Vegas and go back to a picture from the last race you guys know, one from before the age of digital cameras. will not tolerate threats of violence.

LV GN said:
well its too bad steve gets to out of hand to speak on the phone to straighten this whole thing out. what i would like to know is where is the 11lb. box that kirban sent him with the dvd's and kirban books and catalog's that went out on the 29th of sept? also i would think it would be safe to say that if anyone gave steve any money for this event and he kept it you can rest assured we will find out and you and he will be the one worrying about legal action. we wont even get into the the threat about punching jason in the face. i think steve is a little too old for that. and there is not one person on this board that would ever let that happen.

I will chime in here to say one thing.
1) and foremost......If ANYONE threatens Jason or other member, they will be tossed for good. I agree 100% that nobody on this board would ever allow Jason to be punched in the face or any other member for that matter. As far as legal action, if anyone at this point has a the basis for legal action it would be Jason. I have let this pass as I wanted the Hurst's to have the oppertunity to be able to respond or I would have tossed them already for that threat of physical violence. NOT ONE person involved in this thread and/or incident has threatened violence but Mr Hurst.
In any other situation, that would be grounds for instant banning, however, I would like him to have his say. But I will say, one more time and your gone!.
Last warning regarding this type of behavior.

WE4 admin.
Steve Hurst President of the BGNRA

Steve Hurst president of the BGNRA

1st Steve sends faxes all over to vendors asking for donations for the event the BGNRA is co-sponsoring. Steve then noted that he never EVER said he co-sponsored the event but I have it in writing. I guess he was lying in the fax but he backed it up by lying about ever saying that. I don’t understand that really.

2nd Steve boasts about having over 1k in cash and prizes. Somehow you tried to make the person Steve told this to into the bad guy. I can’t mention who Steve told for fear he might get “punched in the face” by Steve for listening to Steve… The person he told and I just figured that he was lying and bragging again and really did not have the prizes. After checking into it and calling some of the vendors I find out that he was given some prizes by two vendors Kirban and Art Carr that did not seem to make it to the raffle.

3rd Don’t worry, my self and every other person on the board believes you when you say the BGNRA has never promised or given one dollar to help out this event. It is the collected part that we have problems with. I know THIS time you are telling the truth.

4th You threaten to legal action. Please tell me what you are filing legal action against? Steve threatening to phisically harm someone? Steve threatening to ruin my business? Steve calling up everyone that was at the event yelling at them? Steve calling up the moderators demanding that they “Better or else” remove this thread. Steve taking credit for the event when it makes him look better or bad mouthing the event when it makes him look better? Steve lying about the 1k in prize money. Or last but not least Steve asking for donations, receiving these donations and then NOT giving these donations to the event. The thing me and the other vendors wonder about is how long this has been going on.

5th You then wonder why we don’t believe you when you say lots of racers approached you to take over this event.. We really don’t know when to believe you and when not to.

I never badgered or badmouthed Steve. I simply mentioned what Steve said and did. Steve is Steve’s worst enemy.

Thanks, I was wondering what happened to the GN in the vs supra race. The Boost Logic supra guys are Austin locals. Their car runs well and they do try to race it regularly in various classes, inlcuding the Clash of the Titans. The run vid is up on some of our local racing boards :D lol. Personally I'd like to see more Buicks start running some hose assist...

Uhhh.......I haven't posted in such a long time :) and then to come on the board and see this....... let me just say that this whole thing can all be blamed on the budget roller cam (for you old time members)!!!! I had a feeling that Steve has to have had something to do with that fiasco too. :biggrin: I guess even after a bunch of years I still don't forget. Just as We won't forget this.
NA - At least it doen't mean Not Applicable

1320 said:
Oh the NA guys......they are a class act, and more impressive every year. I admit , I was never into the NA class, or the cars so much....this year, my favorive car.......was in that class, and I deffinately want to do more for them as a group, they are fast with class, no doubt.

Jon, Jack, and Craig,

On a personal note, I want to thank all of you for toughing it out and putting on this event again, notwithstanding your busy personal lives and other factors (gas prices) that affected turnout. Lemonade from lemons is definitely an appropriate phrase for the goings on and we "NA" racers did our best to enjoy the lemonade. I was just thrilled to be off the trailer and on the track after carb issues Friday night required that I be pushed off the line and onto the trailer.. Fortunately, with help from the SoCal **** members (Scott, Gordon, Sid, Len, Skip, and others) and a couple Utah GS owners (Dave and Rich) I was able to compete (as it were) Saturday. So I didn't take any of the downside stuff to heart or personally.

In a more general way, there were some ruffled feathers over the entry fees, assigned parking at the back of the lot near the fence (due to the other events, I know), and the LONG waits between runs. Oiled track was part of it but it seems the cause was more that other events coincided with yours. Nothing you could do about that, except meet with the track folks, which you've already said you will. But it really was a pain standing around so much.
Guess I should bring the campstove next trip.

As much as I (we) have enjoyed this event (it's really the only one I have available where my Buick buds are around) there is some grumbling that most of the GS cars will probably not attend next year. You might have already heard from someone on that. I'll not make demands and speak only for myself but if the situation was known to be the same for next year, I probably would skip it, too. I'd really hate to see it come to that but the expense to travel that far for 5 runs and a time frame from 1pm to 1am with folks piling on their trailers to go home immediately following their losing elim run due to time and fatigue is not all that much fun. Folks weren't even sticking around to see who won. A couple guys put their cars on the trailer after winning in elims because they were too tired to safely run their cars. Maybe that's because the GS car owners are old farts, but I have to respect a guy who goes with his gut and trailers his car due to safety concerns. Now, some of you guys might say "Who the bald-headed hell do these NA guys think they are?", or "Who cares if the NA (aka: GS) crowd shows up or not?". I hope you'll all understand that this is intended to be constructive.

There are other issues that some of my crowd would like addressed but I think they're somewhat trivial at this time and might be addressed later if I haven't caused us to be tossed out with the bathwater. We also would like this event to grow and I might suggest a Buick-Olds-Pontiac event to bring in the numbers so we can have more track time. Of course, that might mean the old cars would equal or exceed the number of Turbo, injected, modern iron that this event and most of the GN guys seem to prefer. That's up to you folks, I'm just an interloper.

The one thing that could be done for us as a group would be to instruct the tower to announce Buick Grand Nationals and GS (or A-body or such) Buicks. I mean, you don't want the crowd to think they're all GNs anymore than we want our cars to be known as "GN - antique".

I'm not hear to make demands, just suggestions, and would hope to be in the loop for the future to do what I can. I'm not sure what I can do to help out here but I'm definitely open to suggestions.. keep it civil please. :eek: I think we have a common goal; to make it bigger and better - for all.

Best regards.

1320 said:
Oh the NA guys......they are a class act, and more impressive every year. I admit , I was never into the NA class, or the cars so much....this year, my favorive car.......was in that class, and I deffinately want to do more for them as a group, they are fast with class, no doubt.

I don't speak for all the NA guys out there, but I personally look foward to this even every year. While this year was harder than years in the past, lets just learn from the things that went wrong and prevent them from happening agian next year.

I for one am A little bummed out. I know if I had had some tunning time (which there was none this year) I could have worked the off the line bog out of the car an been in the 10's in street trim....... None the less, it was still a GREAT time.

Thanks to all that make it happen year after year

Rich B,
Procharged 71 GS
Gary and other GS guys.

I was amazed to see all of the GS guys there. You have the wrong opinion, most of us GN guys love to see the GSs. I just did not realize that there were that many of them out there that were interested in racing. I think it is great. They were every bit as exciting to watch as the GN's.

I agree with your all of your points. I was a little upset at the fact that we had to park clear in the back but there was nothing we could do about it. It was a little more upsetting to see the Supras right up front. lol Next year especially if we rent the track, we will be up front.

If we rent the track i think we should do a couple of things. split the front row into two sections one for the buicks and one for the supras or whoever is renting the track with us.

I feel we should also have open test and tune. That way we can do some friendly grudge matching against the supras or whoever else is there with us all day. I don't know about you but i actually like racing other cars with our buicks instead of just buick against buicks every pass. Eliminations would be segrigated of course.

Maybe we can have the awards and raffle together either at a dinner place or some kind of meeting place after the races. That is if they we are finished racing by late afternoon.

Please, no matter who you are, do not think that your opinion does not count. let us know in a constructive way, if you attended the WCN evan as a spectator if you can think of any way to better the event. Rick Elam had some interesting points that i wish he would offer to the board.

like you said, i am not upset at the event, i had a blast. The fun far far outweighed the nussances. i am just offering suggestions to ponder to make the event bigger and better next year.
WE4 said:
I will chime in here to say one thing.
1) and foremost......If ANYONE threatens Jason or other member, they will be tossed for good. I agree 100% that nobody on this board would ever allow Jason to be punched in the face or any other member for that matter. As far as legal action, if anyone at this point has a the basis for legal action it would be Jason. I have let this pass as I wanted the Hurst's to have the oppertunity to be able to respond or I would have tossed them already for that threat of physical violence. NOT ONE person involved in this thread and/or incident has threatened violence but Mr Hurst.
In any other situation, that would be grounds for instant banning, however, I would like him to have his say. But I will say, one more time and your gone!.
Last warning regarding this type of behavior.

WE4 admin.

I've sat on the side observing long enough and now I just wanted to subscribe to this thread so I can monitor its contents. administration stands by (and Bruce) the enforcement of its rule regarding threats of physical violence.
About the WCN, for the little time I spent with members, I had a great time meeting people. It was my wifes first time to LV, so I wanted to take in the sights with her. It was great to renew friendships, and meet and shake hands with new friends.
Race Jace said:
Gary and other GS guys.

Please, no matter who you are, do not think that your opinion does not count. let us know in a constructive way, if you attended the WCN evan as a spectator if you can think of any way to better the event. Rick Elam had some interesting points that i wish he would offer to the board.

like you said, i am not upset at the event, i had a blast. The fun far far outweighed the nussances. i am just offering suggestions to ponder to make the event bigger and better next year.

After attending for two years, I passed on this year because of the night time racing. Returning to L.A. on a Sunday is a real pain with traffic, and walking around the lot and looking at the cars isn't alot of fun in the dark. I know of several people that skipped this year because of the night time racing.