Been driving it for 5 days so far this season after a long winter of cleaning and freshening up. Boxed the frame and control arms, all new body mounts, suspension bushings, shocks, fuel and brake lines, vacuum conversion. New oil pump, bearings, timing chain. Had Dave rebuild the trans with his 3021 converter. Spoolfool fillers, blah blah blah. Car running great. Loaded powerlogger onto a newer laptop, old one would only hold a charge for 15 minutes after sitting all winter. Trying to get the new Scanmaster G to communicate with either the powerlogger or the phone, no luck yet. It works but I can't get the logs from it or view by bluetooth. Bolted the MT drag radials on and took it for a spin. Drove 6 miles to get everything warm. Did my first wot pass, done a few from 20-60, but not much more than that. Brake boosted to about 5 psi and let off. TIres instantly up in smoke and went sideway like I was leaving Mustang week with a crowd waiting to get hit, but was able to keep it straight. Pulled great , no knock, fuel trim was good. Then all of a sudden heard detonation. Instantly let off. Went to accelerate again and blue smoke and skipping. Scanmaster read 14.3 deg at 91 mph. Powerloger starts beeping and cascading 100 messages about quick safe having a error, then "Powerlogger must shut down" so I slammed it shut like Paul Walker in "The Gay and the Curious". Nursed it home. Oil everywhere on the passenger side. Pulled the plugs, #4 is hurt. I'm guessing I cracked a piston. Given that I can't pull the logs from the G, and the powerlogger shut down without saving, I have no idea what happened. Always great when you spend all that money on stuff to protect yourself and it malfunctions when you need it. Well, that was a short season. I'll be calling State Farm tomorrow and suspending the insurance.