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What do you think about being able to buy original TTA plug wires BRAN NEW again?!


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Staff member
Aug 24, 2003
Chatting with one of our special guest for the TTA Reunion next year and he tossed out the idea about remaking the original plug wires that came on the TTA. This guest has all the contacts from the original company that made the wires and he said he is reaching out to them about remaking them just as the originals were. Must be nice to have those contacts still after all these years! :cool:

While I know a lot of people that are sitting on original sets will cry because the value of them will drop if and when these reproductions come out, I think it's a great idea. I have my original wires but I hate to put them on the car! It would be nice to sport the original wires for show purposes and keeping it looking all original under the hood. Plus this would give the guys who race a chance to sport an original set of plug wires all these years later. Plus the high mileage guys can sport them as well. They are special to the car and a nice conversation piece as well.

This special guest is going to keep in mind making it reasonably priced as well. They would be just like the ones that came on the car with the screen printing on them. All these years later I'm sure they will be a better wire all around.

So who would be interested in these? Any questions? Comments? Ideas? Pro's? Con's? chime in as our special guest does lurk on the forum from time to time! So air your option out. I think it would be a awesome idea to run those wires again on my TTA!
Let me sell my NOS set first :-)

Seriously if the price is right ($40 - $60 USD) I would defenilty buy 2 sets ... quality wires with the NOS look would be great.

Im currebntly running a OEM set on mine that got low miles on it ...

Oh one thing for the no 2 and 4 (front 2 passanger side) for those people running a 3" downpipe if we could have a 145 degree bent plug boot would be great, that's what I had to do with my OEM set to fit my THDP ... so we need two version to order!!

Anything else he can get manufactured again you think?
It would be nice if they were made 8, 8.5 or 9mm...original look but performance wire. Yes, 45 deg boots on 2 & 4 but would probably work fine on all I think as well.

Well he has the original drawings for the wires so I'm sure he can tweak them here or there as needed. I will pass on everyone's idea's for sure! He also went on to say that he never liked the bracket on the pass side so that may be updated and redone and included in the wire set.

I have no clue on what he will want for them but I think 40 to 60 range might be low really low. Most of the china wires run around that range. Who knows all depends on how much interest there is and how many he could make and sell I would think reflect the prices either way. I'd pay at least 100 for a nice oem set.

Thicker would be better but like Ron said, if it's a quality wire from GM they can last a long time as is and with the coil packs these cars run you almost don't need a super wire unless you way down into the 10's with the car.

Keep it coming I'll pass everything along to him!
Great idea...

I paid $100 for my Russ Merritt wires. If you can make them thicker than original and if they fit a 3" DP I'll pay $140 ish.

Otherwise, putting them on for show purposes is retarded.
I would prob. pick up a set. $100, or a little more seems acceptable to me....
All passed on to him so keep it coming!

I was talking to him tonight and he would maybe do 2 or 3 different sets of plug wires. A set for the purist and maybe a performance set for the other guys. We are talking wires along with the metal heat shields and the wire holders. It would be pre-orders and he said they would have to be made 100% in the USA. As we all know finding GM parts made in the USA can be a problem! He also said they would look OEM but would have a small marking on them somewhere to de-note they are reproductions so people don't buy them and try to sell them as NOS originals.
What's a set of originals worth? How come nobody ever mentions the intercooler hoses those said 20th TA also.
What's a set of originals worth? How come nobody ever mentions the intercooler hoses those said 20th TA also.

Yes to intercooler hoses if they could be slightly longer and possibly better quality compared to the OEM versions ...
There will be much more on these wires AND other TTA specific parts being reproduced at the TTA reunion next year in Ohio so make sure you and your TTA are there so you can suggest some other parts!

You can tell the engineers that designed this stuff what you would like to see reproduced! Keep in mind the people that will be at the TTA reunion have the original prints for everything on that car that they touched. So anything remade won't be one of those things that don't fit properly because it will be exactly like the original parts. The hardest thing about having something reproduced it finding a mint part to go from. Well these guys have the actual drawings so it won't get better then that!