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what do you think about this powedercoating idea?


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Tom Tom Turbo

Turbo Goes Woo Woo
Jul 10, 2002
local blasting and coating place quoted me $250 to coat my T Type wheels, turbo shield, up pipe, valve covers, and upper plenum with a near-chrome silver coating. Their work looks pretty darn good, and they do everything from motorcycle frames to ceramic coating headers/exhaust parts. I think its an alternative to buying chrome parts and new wheels, while still semi-keeping the stock look.

There is a problem with the chrome powder coating. It will look good when first coated but will stain and turn a dark gray. It must be clear coated on top of the chrome to keep it looking good.
Now the second part of the bad news. When you clear coat the chrome it will turn to a bright silver. It will still look good, but it will not look the same without the clear coat as with the clear. I understand there is a bright chrome that claims not to discolor as much, but I haven't tried that yet. Just make sure you are looking a Chrome with a clear coat. If you want it to last.

I prefer powder coating and/or "jet-hot" type ceramic coating as an alternative to chrome. I think that silver that looks like silver would look as good or better that silver that looks like chrome on the parts mentioned. I would rather that it look like a custom idea than chrome copy. The wheels I would probably bead blast rather than paint . I have never seen "painted", whether powder coated or not, TR wheels or rims that I like. I think that bead blasting/sand blasting in general on the rims and sanding where there used to be machining would be my preference over powder coating on the rims. Just my $ .02 worth. I think that the other parts would look bitchin.