Here is a list of parts that I have left kicking around the garage.
I am listing prices on a few items, the rest I am open to offers on. The block and heads I would prefer a pick up. I would really like to make a deal and have evrything go to one person.
Let me know if you have any questions.
2 - T Type wheels with worn BFG DR's 275/50. They are still good for a few passes. Wheels are in great shape! $200
1 Turbo crank STD/STD. Looks like maybe just a polish is all that is needed. $150
Turbo Crank .20/.20 Polish and it's good to go.
109 NA Block Block is in grat shape =
Stock Intercooler- Shroud, bracket, and fan $150
Aluminum Drums- Freshly turned. $100
Fuel Rail w/ Harness
Billet AdJ.Fuel Pressure Reg.
Used Alt & Starter
Stock Fan
2 Working Coil Packs
2 Working Control Modules
Barely Used Cam Sensor
Casper's Cam Sensor Tool
Crank and Water Pump Pulleys
Powermaster Core
Turbo Oil Return Line.
NA Heads
NA Rods & Pistons
I think thats all I can remeber at this time. I will post more if I can think of anything else.
I am listing prices on a few items, the rest I am open to offers on. The block and heads I would prefer a pick up. I would really like to make a deal and have evrything go to one person.
Let me know if you have any questions.
2 - T Type wheels with worn BFG DR's 275/50. They are still good for a few passes. Wheels are in great shape! $200
1 Turbo crank STD/STD. Looks like maybe just a polish is all that is needed. $150
Turbo Crank .20/.20 Polish and it's good to go.
109 NA Block Block is in grat shape =
Stock Intercooler- Shroud, bracket, and fan $150
Aluminum Drums- Freshly turned. $100
Fuel Rail w/ Harness
Billet AdJ.Fuel Pressure Reg.
Used Alt & Starter
Stock Fan
2 Working Coil Packs
2 Working Control Modules
Barely Used Cam Sensor
Casper's Cam Sensor Tool
Crank and Water Pump Pulleys
Powermaster Core
Turbo Oil Return Line.
NA Heads
NA Rods & Pistons
I think thats all I can remeber at this time. I will post more if I can think of anything else.