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Pick your most trusted/watched news organization:

  • ABC News

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • NBC News

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • CBS News

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CNN

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Fox News

    Votes: 44 71.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NPR

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters
CNN in the morning...MMMM, Robin Mead. YUM! :D

Sometimes KTLA when Sharon Tay is on...MMMM YUM.
If anything, BBC News. I prefer news that hasn't been stroked by our government to cover up lies until they can falsify an excuse for it or create a new diversion to something else.

I'm a bit skeptical of our government, in case no one picked up on that.
Originally posted by 1QuickV6
If anything, BBC News. I prefer news that hasn't been stroked by our government to cover up lies until they can falsify an excuse for it or create a new diversion to something else.

I'm a bit skeptical of our government, in case no one picked up on that.

Coming right from "GROUND ZERO". BLAME AMERICA, FIRST. :rolleyes: You'd probably enjoy Al Jazerra quite a bit. :p
Fox News- "fair and balanced", what a joke! At least the other networks try to be unbiased. Maybe they are slanted a little to the left. Fox News is slanted WAY to the right, and they have the gall to claim they are "fair and balanced". The average viewer of Fox News is probably unaware of this bias. And Fox News has all these fancy graphics and sound affects with a flag waving in the corner of the screen, so they can keep their viewers short attention span going and pander to Rednecks. I won't even bother to mention Rupert Murdoch.
Originally posted by Red Regal T
Coming right from "GROUND ZERO". BLAME AMERICA, FIRST. :rolleyes: You'd probably enjoy Al Jazerra quite a bit. :p

Ahh, yes... The idea of "Revolutionary Captialism." I just refuse to be a sheep and believe the crap the government, through an imbecilic figurehead, chooses to ram down our throat. Nice "ra-ra" sentiment about being around ground zero, especially since I had two friends die trying to save innocent people's lives. You say I'm "Blaming America?" No, I am just exercising my right to question what I see and hear. Period.
Originally posted by 1QuickV6
No, I am just exercising my right to question what I see and hear. Period.


I'd suggest that's a right AND responsibility of ALL Americans, right or left.

I've never understood partisan voters. Sure one party or the other may better represent your views, but this 'all lefties are X' and 'all republicans are Y' stuff always leaves me befuddled. It does seem to this impartial viewer that Fox news is anything but.

I do think all of the major networks stink as a high-quality and informative news source when compared to good ole newspapers like the NYT and WSJ.

Originally posted by GN SBS
I do think all of the major networks stink as a high-quality and informative news source when compared to good ole newspapers like the NYT and WSJ.

The New York Times is a "good 'ole newspaper"?? :confused: If they leaned any further left they'd fall over.
Originally posted by TT/A1233
The New York Times is a "good 'ole newspaper"?? :confused: If they leaned any further left they'd fall over.

Some argue that NYT leans left, others argue that WSJ leans right. Both are probably correct to an extent. I say read selections from both and make up your own mind about the issues.

As a regular reader of both, outside of the op-ed pages of each (which both lean in the directions above) I really don't see much difference on the big stories reported in the two. Both recruit the smartest and most professional journalists who do a good job of giving the facts, which readers can then interpret as they see fit. Do you see something different?

Originally posted by GNGSX
Fox News- "fair and balanced", what a joke! At least the other networks try to be unbiased. Maybe they are slanted a little to the left. Fox News is slanted WAY to the right, and they have the gall to claim they are "fair and balanced". The average viewer of Fox News is probably unaware of this bias.

Im sure there is a fact in there someplace. You got any examples to back that up where I cant find an opposing view?

A truely unbiased network will have both lefties and righties to present a view.

THE number one man in news is on FOX - Brit Hume. The national Press Foundation puts up the award (Broadcaster of the year) and should you think they are part of the right wing crowd, here are some past winners:
Dan Rather - conservative? lol
NYT editor Howell Raines (fired)
Ted Turner - can you get more left?
PBS related Ken Burns
NPR's Nina Totenberg - hardly a right winger!

How many right wing conspiracy folks are there on the other networks? They should have some to be fair since the view by the left isnt hard to find on FOX.

What you are complaining about, but dont even know it, is about the editorial shows they have - you know, the ones with liberal cohosts and guests. When it comes to hard news though, its tough to argue with their ratings and award winning lineup.

I think I agree with just about everything Lee Burough said above. Very frustrating to listen/watch any of it. I listen to a lot of talk radio, and read a lot. Once I started that, I found out how far off network news is.

So....I watch the weather channel..the chicks are hotter!:D
IMO it's a shame that FOX wishes to be "fair and balanced". Why should I have to listen to these left wing socialists who are guests and commentators on FOX, spewing their lies, when I can just turn to any of the other networks included in this pole, and get nothing but the left wing point of view on anything. I don't think FOX needs to have both sides. The other networks don't. Up until five years ago, when FOX came on the scene, there was nothing but left wing media slanting the news since television was invented. It's not surprising there are so many brainwashed people out there.
Politically Incorrect (the show) was a good example... sometimes funny, or even entertaining, but always a beat up the "conservative" format.

Exception? You bet. Ted Nugent got on there and just bullied his way around. Excellent, but one of a few.

"Tough Crowd" with Quinn does better but partly because comedians make fun of everyone.
