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What tranny fluid do you recomend?


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Do not take wrong. Both of you guys are great guys. All, Clay and his weird sense of humor, was trying to do was try to reduce the amount repetitive questions. I will be logging most direct questions on a new FAQ page here shortly. It will be linked to PTS site and very informative I hope. Clay can make things sound insulting but in actuality, he speaks of direct facts. Facts, not opinions, can sound ugly at times, but I know both of you and Clays methods are direct but factual. We all could learn more and search more , Me especially, but we get lazy and just don't bother. This is in no way a flame as I am very easily the #1 guilty party here. This Factual method can mislead very easily as I have had to read alot of his writings lately. I used to think he was degrading me but he was in fact , helping me to see. He has alot of knowledge to hand out so to speak and the fact that he takes the time to tell me directly good and bad what he sees as good and bad is a real asset. I thank and respect him for taking the time to assist.
My point being, Dont take it personal , thats just Clay! :D
So what's that magic mix, Bruce? Inquiring minds need to know before the good weather hits!! :D
Back to original question...

I've used Mobil 1 for over 10 years in over 2 dozen cars/trucks of every variety with no failures...really fine fluid. :)