Where did Buddy Ingersoll go?

Great stuff. I'd like to add my nickel welcome and reiterate how big a hero you are. Thanks for answering the questions. Great to get it 'from the horse's mouth'.

Keep the stories coming.

well hell son you want stories show up at the garage when the park'in lots full of hot rods and bring your hip waders it can get down right hilareous..........:D cant say i dont have them to tell,lots of memories. again thanks for all the kind words, ya make an old man happy.
Welcome Buddy!

I was lucky enough to meet you at one of our Buick Meetings in St. Louis....

you had stopped by to talk to Mike Christiansen, at his house. We have photos somewhere from that day. Maybe one day Scot can coax you to tell some stories and provide some tech at another meeting. thks and Welcome Aboard!

3. How did you control spool off the line, im fairly certain that there were no 2 steps back then. How did you build boost off the line??

One heck of a secret! When I watch the videos I'm amazed at how that car jumped out of the hole! That's some cool stuff Buddy!
WOW- Buddy Ingersoll in the House

Welcome......I'm sure I speak for many, saying we a very honored to have your presents here.

The legend of the Mountain Motor Killer
How did you control spool off the line?

that is the no.1 question that i have been asked for over 20 years and my answer has always been a chuckle, a grin and "would'nt you like to know".....1000's of hours bent over a race car @3 in the morning all by myself in my garage. you have all the "parts" to the puzzle, you just have to mechanically align and adjust to see the the full picture....its not what you have its how you use it!:D
How long would a stage II motor last that you were racing? Would you have rather been using a V8 ?
a thought

i can't imagine how fast a buick i could build now with all the advances in electronics and such. r and d is alive and well here on this sight, your cars are top notch and not a one that does'nt deserve a trophy, you all should be proud of this sight and its members, now this old man going cruiz'in for the day:)
that is the no.1 question that i have been asked for over 20 years and my answer has always been a chuckle, a grin and "would'nt you like to know".....1000's of hours bent over a race car @3 in the morning all by myself in my garage. you have all the "parts" to the puzzle, you just have to mechanically align and adjust to see the the full picture....its not what you have its how you use it!:D

I agree fully. Most people aren't willing to make that sacrifice..

What transmission did you use?
This is something else you are here typing. I have always said what us are doing now is nothing compared to what the pioneers like you did back when you were writing the rules for so many to follow. I have stayed up late working on mine also, but most of the difference is we can "make it work" with the keyboards or electronics when you had to make it work with your hands thinking what we would all still call "out of the box". :biggrin: :eek:

Welcome aboard sir.
It is truly an honor to have you on board with us.

In my book, you are the One, who started it all for us. What we have today, with our Turbo Buicks, would have never been possible without your efforts.

I'm definitely looking forward to meeting you and hearing your stories at the TB.com Nationals in March.
Thank you sir and welcome aboard.

Patrick Rubio
Wow im glad im here to see this.....Buddy with all the fords and chevys runnin turbos and our group bein as small is it is it would be awesome to have you get back into workin on buicks...If you were runnin that fast back in the 80s imagine what you could do for the fast buick guys with todays technology and how many more cars could be competetive and give the non believers a run for thier $$$ ....Especially since theres classes for turbo cars now 10.5 outlaw, etc. etc.
Hey Buddy,

What was your initial impression of the power of the Buick V6? (and it's potantial)

out of the box potential was years ahead of any other car then and now,and with the advent of technology of aftermarket parts tested and proven by you'all has made the turbo buick a winner to this day.its still a sore spot to mention for other manufactor's , and that pleases the hell out me,:tongue:
Its great to have you aboard Buddy, dont be afraid to go to the tech sections and share some of your knowledge :D

been to that section dont know if i could ad to what already been posted,some very smart people here. tear it down put back together ,pull it out on the highway at 2 in the morning wfo to herrin (next town) till i saw red lights-turn around wfo back in garage ,shut lights off and watch the law shoot thru intersection. now thats r and d! but again thats just me:biggrin:
been to that section dont know if i could ad to what already been posted,some very smart people here. tear it down put back together ,pull it out on the highway at 2 in the morning wfo to herrin (next town) till i saw red lights-turn around wfo back in garage ,shut lights off and watch the law shoot thru intersection. now thats r and d! but again thats just me:biggrin:

Its only a crime if you get caught ;)