I personally liked the Erson cams because they had a "soft" ramp and seemed to last longer than most. Alot of guys also run the Edelbrock cam, too. I do not install flat tappet cams in a Buick any longer. They ALL would go flat. I even tried notching lifter bores to help. Break in is CRITICAL with a flat tappet cam. Use ONLY good racing oil everytime you change it. Never use standard oil. It must have ZDDP or it'll go flat in a New York second. Brad Penn oil is just one of many good oils. I have also run the Comp 208/208 with good success, too. A TE-44 will get you into the deep 11's properly tuned, especially with ported irons. But remember, I use to have cam cores stacked up in a corner of the shop like cord wood. Might want to save up your pennies and buy a roller cam. The stock cam is fine for low eleven passes.