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Who has a wii?


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JC Turbo

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2001
Who has a wii and how do you like it? Those that have one do you use the internet at all and which games do you like?
I love mine about as much as the kids:biggrin: There are tons of game sites that rate games. Get the Wii sports for sure that is a blast by it self....
I have a wii. I was content for months playing wii sports. Then I got into Mario Galaxy which is amazing in a 3D mind blowing kind of way (but tough for my 5 yr old nephew to play). My recent obsession has been Lego Star Wars (incredible!). I also have SSX Blur snowboarding game which is OK but not great (but I only paid 15 bucks). I rented some ping pong game that was terrible.

I am hooked up to the internet with it but don't have any games that work over the internet. I just use it for updating the system, and for sending messages to my friend's wii (and to share mii characters)
I have one. WII Sports is great. I bought Brunswick bowling which was terrible. You were not in sync with your character like on WII sports bowling. I have Tiger Woods 07. Its fun but the controls are a little touchy especially putting. We also have cooking with mama which is kinda cheesy but fun to play. The latest game I got is Guitar Hero III which is a blast however Activision screwed up and the game is in Mono. They have fixed it but I have to send my disc back and then they will send a replacement. They said 3-4 week turn around. I heard there is finally a decent fishing game coming that should be able to take advantage of the Wii controls.
We love the bowling, but my damn arms hurt all week after LOL:biggrin:
Got our's new in the box on ebay............... all the way from Hawaii:eek:
What did you pay for it? Do you mind sharing what seller you used? It'll go nicely with our new house!
My son's girlfriend has one and had it over at his house one day. They ask me to try some fight game they were playing. I went further than any one of them had gone in a week on my first try. I was then getting beat up pretty bad by one big dude and I went into whoop ass mode. I not only knocked him out but kicked the TV's ass and almost killed the sensor. They then told me I could not play any more and deleated me from the game. I had sweated so much I had to go home and take a shower. Yea, I like the Wii pretty good, just not allowed to play it any more.

Who needs one????

I see them in stores in the lexington area. I can drop one in the mail (prepaid) if you guys need one.
We bought one for our daughter, and truthfully, I probably play it more than my PS3 or Xbox360 at times !! it's a blast, especially Wii Sports!
I actually sold my 360, after going through 3 new xboxes (junk), to buy a wii, hopefully their durability itsn't as big of a problem!
A friend of my wife's loaned us hers for a few weeks. Had a great time with it. Just can't find them in stores around here still, they were $259 with the Sports game and 1 can gat additional controllers for $50... I can find them all day long on ebay for $400+.... so I'll just wait till the hipe goes down I guess.
But I'm afraid all the stores are just going to hike their prices up, I've seen a few sell them for $359 with 2 controllers and an additionals billards/table tennis game, which is only a $65 upgrade from the base, but charging an additional $100.
I love mine about as much as the kids:biggrin: There are tons of game sites that rate games. Get the Wii sports for sure that is a blast by it self....

I got Wii Sports ,Wii play, Need for Speed Pro Street and M&M Kart racing. I don't really car for the M&M Kart racing game.

My family and I have a blast playing it together.

My wife walked into Target shortly before X-Mas and asked if they had any Wii's. The employee told her that they were all sold out. My wife asked what were all the white boxes in the Wii cabinet. Turns out they just received a new shipment of Wii's and the store employee did not know it. So by dumb luck that was one of my X-mas presents.
We have one up at the fire house that gets used at least once a week :D I actually enjoy playing games more on the wii then my 360 anymore its great if you have multi able people to play.

Hijack alert

Matt you mind driving up to the concordville pa area to pick one up? Right at 322 and route 1 there is a new target I have a couple friends who work there.... I will ask him to let me know when they have some if you want and see if he can put one aside.
I see them in stores in the lexington area. I can drop one in the mail (prepaid) if you guys need one.

Shoot me a pm with how much they are in the stores there & how much extra for shipping. A friend from work brought his over last week and the wife and I loved it! Cannot find one around here at all.
PM sent

Shoot me a pm with how much they are in the stores there & how much extra for shipping. A friend from work brought his over last week and the wife and I loved it! Cannot find one around here at all.
