Who has the right of way at a stop light???

I don't get it man. I just can't take this frggin state anymore. It's just filled with peckers who don't know basic traffic laws. Every time I want to go straight on a green light I get stuffed by someone making a left. :mad: Do they not know what "Failure to Keep Right" means or do they just figure it's their God given right to disobey this very basic rule? Also, does a "STOP" sign mean go now? I'm confused and outraged. Just thought I'd vent. Thanks for reading,

I know exactly what you're saying man...it happens all the time near my house because they have 2 lanes in each direction, but no turn lane...Sometimes if I'm in a bad mood I'll just lay on the horn to let them know they're an a-hole...well I guess that lets them know I am one too :rolleyes: The other on that kills me is when you pull up behind someone who is seemly going to go straight, and then they hit there turn signal when the light changes at which point you can not maneuver around them...the worst though is when I pull up to a light with my left turn signal on and the light turns green and I am waiting and waiting for the person across to go straight only to find that they are making a left and waiting for me to go even though I have my turn signal on.:mad:..99 times out of 100 they are yappin on there cell phone. I used to be a raging driver...then I was a calm driver for a while, but the rage is coming back because of what seems like an increasing number of retards on the road. Even the big truck drivers are getting terrible...they used to be fine, but more and more are yappin on their cell phones...what ever happened to CB's :confused: Ok...I feel better now after some venting :D
4-way stops in Dallas are a hoot. 4 cars come to a stop and everyone looks at eachother....this is my cue to go no matter what the order.

1st person to stop at a 4-way is the next to go.

If you can't figure that out, then I will send you a recipe I wrote up for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches....absolutely free of charge.
you should try the 4 way stops up here in the part of MN that gave the world the term "Minnesota nice"- no one wants to be impolite or seem bossy in public, so it gets confusing sometimes... if 3 other people and me pull up to a 4 way stop at the same time, you get 3 people looking cluelessly around to see if anyone else is going to make the first move to go, and me wondering if i should just go and deal with at least 2 of the other drivers starting to go and slamming on their brakes and doing that "i'm so stupid, you should just go" laugh/wave thing as they sit stationary in the middle of the intersection. it's at this point that i decide that i'm going. this happens more often than i care to admit to.
There are bad drivers everywhere and alot of them have the "me first" mentality and think everyone should yield to them because they are so special. :rolleyes:

Here is a couple of examples from here in Ohio.

Three lane street going East, driver of car in right lane decides they want to turn down the street on the left and cuts across the other lanes without any warning what so ever to make that left turn,didn't change speed or anything just a sharp left turn.I was in the middle lane but as always i was ready since nothing surprises me around here i was defensive driving and avoided a collision with the fool.

Then this one,

Two lanes going in each direction East and West. I'm approaching the intersection going West i'm in the right hand lane with a car in the left lane just a little bit ahead of me,just as we get in the middle of the intersection a car coming from the opposite direction gets into the left turn lane and pulls out a little to far making the driver in the lane on my left swerve his car over into my lane, but again due to my defensive driving i avoid being hit by a bad and unexpected move of another driver.

I used to like and enjoy driving but anymore it's a challenge just to drive to the store without being ran into,cutoff,avoiding a collision of some sorts each time i get on the streets. Also the turn signal hasn't been discovered yet here in Ohio.:mad:

John :)