Who's going to have this years MIDWEST MEET????

Byron used to be less crowed but not any more. The last six times we were there, we only got two to three passes in the whole day. Too many cars!!

Hey when is that new track in Molien or something that should open up?

Not sure about the track idea..

Just a thought but the track idea might not be such a good idea. That would be a big change from the "meet / cruise" idea that everyone liked last year. I know for a fact that there will be quite a few broken Buicks not able to make a cruise if we go to the track first. Im personally pumped for the Busse woods idea and a well thought out cruise route through downtown, LSD, etc. And dont forget us Chicago guys know where the street racing goes on when it gets dark ;) . Not that we do any of that illegal stuff!
I wuld personally have to agree and the track idea kind of takes away from the picnic/cruise/show idea but on the other hand I'm not organizing it so I'm open to anything. I just want to be able to see everyone and the cars again!!
Prasad, thanks for the kind words!!! It will be on at Devils Glen again next year!! Just too much for us this years and of course the timing isnt right since Ashley's going to pop a kid out around the dates that we usually have it!!! I feel bad and hope I'm not letting anybody down. I think we should start to try bouncing around having different people do it every year anyways. I am not saying this to get out of it but, serioulsy, if we bounce around from Iowa, IL, Wisconsin, we'll get more people involved because some people dont want to drive far. I just hope this continues. I really look forward to seeing everyone every year and meeting new people!!! Gives us a chance to talk to people face to face that we talk to all the time online!!! I have met a lot of great friends becuase of this!!!
Busse Woods

I agree Busse Woods would be a great gathering place. Then head downtown and later can go to Centex in Schaumburg for street racing:cool:

With the crowds at Byron, Grove, or Joliet it might be a better idea to do the BBQ, cruise and street race or whatever.

I'm open to anything. Plus the wife said okay to host or assist whomever in hosting.

It's been six long years w/out a TR so I want to enjoy this meet!!!
Choose a date??

Do we want to pick some arbitrary dates to get an idea of what works best for the majority?

Just a thought to get the ball rolling...
I'd also prefer more of a meet/cruise than a track day. :redface: Don't feel like finding out how slow my car is! And I'll probably say goodbye at the point you all decide to go street racing...no thanks.
I usually held it around the first or second week of August but it's really up to whatever works best for the majority!
Maybe if we all do get together Prasad will bring his sweet 1984 fiero sbc.

Hey Ray, I forgot to mention that I have a 1985 mutt, wannabe 1987 GN in my barn with some cheap azz vinyl seats with the Jiffy lube sign on it. I am stripping it for parts. All the parts are free. Initially I called Victory Auto Wreakers but they turn the POS down, they said I have to pay them to take this junk out of my barn WTF.:D

Keep it up Ray, soon I will turn your smoky chimney into a Camel with six humps.:eek:
Easy Prasad I didn't know you were that attached to that car.I meant to type 1986 fiero(gn powertrain conversion in process).Sorry about that Ray
now thats what u call...

Hey Ray, I forgot to mention that I have a 1985 mutt, wannabe 1987 GN in my barn with some cheap azz vinyl seats with the Jiffy lube sign on it. I am stripping it for parts. All the parts are free. Initially I called Victory Auto Wreakers but they turn the POS down, they said I have to pay them to take this junk out of my barn WTF.:D

Keep it up Ray, soon I will turn your smoky chimney into a Camel with six humps.:eek:

........Getting Prasadamized!
Geez.. you can't get Prasad mad by picking on his Fiero. He only gets mad if you pee in the fish pond.

I'll be in this year for sure, and I'm also more interested in a cruise / picnic and not so much a track day.
Geez.. you can't get Prasad mad by picking on his Fiero. He only gets mad if you pee in the fish pond.

I'll be in this year for sure, and I'm also more interested in a cruise / picnic and not so much a track day.

Haaaaaaaaaaaa, you guys are too funny!!

I am with you on this one cruise/picnic that will be more fun!!!!

And yes let’s pick a day ASAP, maybe be someone can find out if there is going to a car show on a particular day. maybe we can all cruise over there afterwards. I was talking to Nick (fatride) he said something in Oakbrook area. I will let him chime in and let us know more about it.

Fiero/Pond lover
Yea if there is a car show Prasad you should be able to take 1st with anyone of your gem's.