I got a pretty fast fucking Mustang and I will admit anytime I see a TR on the street (Which aint too often) and I know it aint stock I get a little nervous lol and I've had plenty TR's so I know how fast they can be.
I sold my GN last year to basically finance my Turbo Mustang which I love dearly to be honest but I can honestly say I only took the GN out twice that year and the two times I did I got more attention those two days with it then I've probably had the entire time I've owned my mustang lol
The first time was going to Outback to get take-out. While sitting there waiting I had 3 different ppl walk up to my car and inquire about it and get a closer look and at least 2 others gave me the thumbs up while passing by. This was all in about 15 minutes! lol
The following time I take it out to Walmart to get a movie and go home. Well, when I pulled in the parking lot I pulled into a parking space and I see a kid pushing carts take a look at my car then suddenly leave the carts behind and run inside. I thought that was kinda strange so I lock my car and start walking in and this kid comes running out of the store and comes up to me and says "Can I take a few pics of ur car its awesome!" I laughed and said do u even know what this is? Kid was like 18! He smiled and said hell yea its a GN and he said GN not Grand National lol I was like have at it kid thanx for the compliments lol
That just AINT happening with my 2013 Mustang GT lol. It is quite wicked tho.....