Why isn't BUSH impeached?

ALSO - who cares if Clinton got a hummer??? Since when did the Presidents personal life have anything to do with being the President...if they're doing a decent job, I could care less if they made internet porn. Fact of the matter is, he was caught and publicly put on trial for cheating on his wife - nothing but a witch hunt to deface the Democrats...I don't hear anyone complaining that JFK was getting all he could from anyone he could (and it was public knowledge!) when he was in office...
:mad: IHO he commited adultery which is terribly wrong, but he lied to the congress and to the american people about it. ("I did not have sex with that woman") So what would your wife (or girlfriend) say if they caught you cheating on her WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU CAUGHT HER CHEATING ON YOU?? ...........JFK did not get caught( the difference between him and clinton.........)
Tell the ****tes that Saddam gassed during his regime did not have WMD.......Why would he expel the un inspectors if he didn't have something to hide???

What this administration has done is serve notice to the world that the US will take pre-emptive action on any nation that is considering bombing, gassing, flying airplanes into buildings, etc etc that they will be severly punished.

I firmly believe that we are going to be targeted by terrorists with suit case nukes before the national election in november. Their goal is to demoralize us as they successfully did in Spain. When this happens we will probably unleash our nuclear arsenel on north korea, iran and perhaps syria because of their terroist suppot and pursuit of wmd...........

I applaud Bush for his initative in invading Iraq.........If he and cheny lied to us they should say "yeah we lied and we are sorry but we have gotten rid of saddam and the world is better for it" It will be "old news" in 2 weeks and we will have forgotten it........

The media paints bleak pictures of anything they report........How many of you read or heard about the acceptance and approval by the iraqi's of rebuilding their country, etc.........Of the hundred thousand or so troops we have in iraq many stories are coming back of the good we are doing there. "Working for the army I hear and see the good we are doing everyday!

I have vented enough..........Flame on :rolleyes:
UNGN: You assume those WMD came from Iraq??? They were probably from Afghanistan where al Queda was headquartered; that place we left too early so GWB could affect regime change in a less threatening country.
ALSO - who cares if Clinton got a hummer??? Since when did the Presidents personal life have anything to do with being the President...if they're doing a decent job, I could care less if they made internet porn. Fact of the matter is, he was caught and publicly put on trial for cheating on his wife - nothing but a witch hunt to deface the Democrats...I don't hear anyone complaining that JFK was getting all he could from anyone he could (and it was public knowledge!) when he was in office...
:mad: IHO he commited adultery which is terribly wrong, but he lied to the congress and to the american people about it. ("I did not have sex with that woman") So what would your wife (or girlfriend) say if they caught you cheating on her WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU CAUGHT HER CHEATING ON YOU?? ...........JFK did not get caught( the difference between him and clinton.........)
Tell the ****tes that Saddam gassed during his regime did not have WMD.......Why would he expel the un inspectors if he didn't have something to hide???

What this administration has done is serve notice to the world that the US will take pre-emptive action on any nation that is considering bombing, gassing, flying airplanes into buildings, etc etc that they will be severly punished.

I firmly believe that we are going to be targeted by terrorists with suit case nukes before the national election in november. Their goal is to demoralize us as they successfully did in Spain. When this happens we will probably unleash our nuclear arsenel on north korea, iran and perhaps syria because of their terroist suppot and pursuit of wmd...........

I applaud Bush for his initative in invading Iraq.........If he and cheny lied to us they should say "yeah we lied and we are sorry but we have gotten rid of saddam and the world is better for it" It will be "old news" in 2 weeks and we will have forgotten it........

The media paints bleak pictures of anything they report........How many of you read or heard about the acceptance and approval by the iraqi's of rebuilding their country, etc.........Of the hundred thousand or so troops we have in iraq many stories are coming back of the good we are doing there. "Working for the army I hear and see the good we are doing everyday!

I have vented enough..........Flame on :rolleyes:
they have told the truth a few times but you must read the fine print just like any other ad

Iraq haves long range missles that can reach Isreal when they developed them is when all this Iraq crap started

listen to the threats the terorist send most everyone mentions america will pay for their support for Isreal

just pointing out the fine print th media dont want you to see

watch the news everyday and notice everday they inform us on how someone has done something bad to Isreal....why is it on our news everyday ?? but nothing about how many people Isreal killed to lead up to what happened to them
Some claim President Bush shouldn't have started this war. They complain about his prosecution of it. One person recently claimed Bush was the worst president in U.S. history.

Let's clear up one point: We didn't start the war on terror. Try to remember. It was started by terrorists on 9/11.

Let's look at the "worst" president and mismanagement claims.

FDR led us into World War II. Germany never attacked us: Japan did. From 1941-1945, 450,000 lives were lost, an average of 112,500 per year.

Truman finished that war and started one in Korea. North Korea never attacked us. From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average of 18,333 per year.

John F. Kennedy started the Vietnam conflict in 1962. Vietnam never attacked us.

Johnson turned Vietnam into a quagmire. From 1965-1975, 58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5,800 per year.

Clinton went to war in Bosnia without UN or French consent. Bosnia never attacked us. He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter three times by Sudan and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.

In the two years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush has liberated two countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled al-Qaida, put nuclear inspectors in Libya, Iran and North Korea without firing a shot, and captured a terrorist who slaughtered 300,000 of his own people.

We lost 600 soldiers, an average of 300 a year. Bush did all this abroad while not allowing another terrorist attack at home.

Worst president in history ? ? ?

You be the judge......
People with common sense are past the rediculous assertion that Bush lied about WMD.....the left wing chant. To those with A.D.D., as the original poster has.........You can't lie about something when all your advisors, the previous administration, Kennedy and Kerry, the French, the British, and the whole world, professes and believes to be true, the fact that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. :rolleyes: And also, before we attacked Iraq, Bush never said that Iraq was an imminent threat. Only YOU did! Wake up! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by suprbuick7
They were probably from Afghanistan where al Queda was headquartered; that place we left too early so GWB could affect regime change in a less threatening country.


No, The Jordanians said the WMD's came from Syria.

Since Abu-Musab al-Zarqawi has been operating out of Iraq since BEFORE WE INVADED IN 2003, your "probably from Afghanistan" theory has as much chance of being true as Kerry winning in November: Just because a Democrat hope it's true, doesn't mean it is.
Personally I don't care the reason we got him out. Everyone beleived he had WOMD including Hans Blick. Because of what happened we scared the crap out of alot of countries, including Libya who deceided to scrap their Nuclear program and allow not the UN in to inspect, but the United states. We now have a country where we can launch invasions from in the Middle East, Do you think Sadaam and Al-queda were going to stay enemies forever? Do you think Sadaam destroyed every WOMD he had? Do you think its a possibility he has a few hidden, or that he already gave one to Al- Queda? Do you think it was right that we let this Dictator control so much of the worlds oil and then we cut off the life blood of the people by trading food for oil? Did you not think that thousands of Iraquis would starve to death?

THere is nothing wrong fighting for oil. Oil is extremely valuable. You would be the first to bitch about $4 a gallon, not having anymore performance cars built, having everything you ship UPS triple, etc. Remember what the oil embargo did to the country in the 70's? It helped fire higher inflation, caused unenployment, not to mention the gas lines. Wars have been fought for alot less. Yes blood for oil is a valid reason. Our econemy and way of life depend on it alot more than you think.
Originally posted by Red Regal T
People with common sense are past the rediculous assertion that Bush lied about WMD.....the left wing chant. To those with A.D.D., as the original poster has.........You can't lie about something when all your advisors, the previous administration, Kennedy and Kerry, the French, the British, and the whole world, professes and believes to be true, the fact that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. :rolleyes: And also, before we attacked Iraq, Bush never said that Iraq was an imminent threat. Only YOU did! Wake up! :rolleyes:

Exactly. Even Saddam is reported to have believed that he had WMD capability because his own scientists were so afraid to tell them they couldn't produce them that they lied to him to. It is retarded for anyone to say that Bush lied...he might have been duped....that I would believe....but he wasn't lying. I think we were all duped into believing it.

If Iraq HAD attacked us or an ally then all of you whiners would be crying about WHY didn't Bush attack. I would never be a politician because you can't win. The idiots of the world will always piss and moan about something. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Red Regal T
People with common sense are past the rediculous assertion that Bush lied about WMD.....the left wing chant. To those with A.D.D., as the original poster has.........You can't lie about something when all your advisors, the previous administration, Kennedy and Kerry, the French, the British, and the whole world, professes and believes to be true, the fact that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. :rolleyes: And also, before we attacked Iraq, Bush never said that Iraq was an imminent threat. Only YOU did! Wake up! :rolleyes:

It is not rediculious. You act like an "oops turned out they didnt have them" is not a big deal. i don't care who thought they had weopons. Before you make a case for war, and send thousands of troops over there, you better be 99.999% sure they do, and the U.S. was not. And yes it is lies, when they have Colin Powell up in front of the media, holding pictures of wharehouses with trucks, claiming them to be moving WMD and the whare house to contain them. And what are you talking about, Bush said the exact words of "Imminent threat" many times, its you that needs to wake up and realize what is going on. There is a nice little soundclip goin around the internet, with all the times he said those exact words. If he was duped then its still not excusable, before you do something as big as a WAR, i you better double check to make sure they have the WMD, just because a previous administration thought the same thing doesn't mean crap, thats info is 3+ years old. The other nations believed it because we said so not because they knew any better. And even if by chance he did have WMD, we obviously do not have them, so if we don't then they are in the wrong hands anyways. Saddam never had the capability to attack us. The administration knew that they were not a threat, yet told us and the world they were.
Redregal and UNGN are using selective perception, they tune out the factual evidence and use the only that which "proves" their guys are right. "The ends always justify the means" They miss the whole point of these arguments. I would just feel better if he didn't exaggerate or mislead to get to get the American people behind him . It truly boils down to a credibility problem. If we go at it alone throughout the world, in the long run, we will not be as successful, in this war on terror, as well as broke financially as a country. In effect "crying wolf" will alienate us globally.

By the way the War in Bosnia was a war against these same "terrorists" who were trying to taking over the muslim factions of Govt. against the Christians.
First off...... can you or anybody else prove that Bush lied!

It can be proved that Clinton lied under Oath!!!

Evacuate All U.S. people(military or not) and give that part of the world an enema!!!! They are freaky death mongers,that's all. I say lets go back to horse and buggies and nuke them SOB's.

OH...Did I ask if you can prove he lied??????Don't just assume he did...because that just makes an ass out of you and me.

First off this country should just mobilize!!! Reinstate the draft,go into ww2 mode. If there is somebody fighting some where we all should have to bare some of the cost.

If were fighting for oil,than should'nt we hold the wako enviromentalists responsible for not letting us drill for oil on our land.

Radical extemist muslims,christians,gays,enviromentalists,housewives,gardeners,hobbists what ever should just go to sleep and never wake up.
In February, Secretary of State Colin Powell made a surprising admission.

He told The Washington Post that he doesn't know whether he would have recommended the invasion of Iraq if he had been told at the time that there were no stockpiles of banned weapons.

Powell said that when he made the case for war before the United Nations one year ago, he used evidence that reflected the best judgments of the intelligence agencies.

But long before the war started, there was plenty of doubt among intelligence analysts about Saddam's weapons.

One analyst, Greg Thielmann, told Correspondent Scott Pelley last fall that key evidence cited by the administration was misrepresented to the public.

Thielmann should know. He had been in charge of analyzing the Iraqi weapons threat for Powell's own intelligence bureau.
“I had a couple of initial reactions. Then I had a more mature reaction,” says Thielmann, commenting on Powell's presentation to the United Nations last February.

“I think my conclusion now is that it's probably one of the low points in his long, distinguished service to the nation."

Thielmann was a foreign service officer for 25 years. His last job at the State Department was acting director of the Office of Strategic Proliferation and Military Affairs, which was responsible for analyzing the Iraqi weapons threat.

He and his staff had the highest security clearances, and saw virtually everything – whether it came into the CIA or the Defense Department.

Thielmann was admired at the State Department. One high-ranking official called him honorable, knowledgeable, and very experienced. Thielmann had planned to retire just four months before Powell’s big moment before the U.N. Security Council.

On Feb. 5, 2003, Secretary Powell presented evidence against Saddam:
“The gravity of this moment is matched by the gravity of the threat that Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction pose to the world."

At the time, Thielmann says that Iraq didn't pose an imminent threat to the U.S.: “I think it didn't even constitute an imminent threat to its neighbors at the time we went to war.”

And Thielmann says that's what the intelligence really showed. For example, he points to the evidence behind Powell’s charge that Iraq was importing aluminum tubes to use in a program to build nuclear weapons.

Powell said: “Saddam Hussein is determined to get his hands on a nuclear bomb. He is so determined that he has made repeated covert attempts to acquire high-specification aluminum tubes from 11 different countries even after inspections resumed.”

“This is one of the most disturbing parts of Secretary Powell's speech for us,” says Thielmann.

Intelligence agents intercepted the tubes in 2001, and the CIA said they were parts for a centrifuge to enrich uranium -- fuel for an atom bomb. But Thielmann wasn’t so sure.

Experts at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the scientists who enriched uranium for American bombs, advised that the tubes were all wrong for a bomb program. At about the same time, Thielmann’s office was working on another explanation. It turned out the tubes' dimensions perfectly matched an Iraqi conventional rocket.

“The aluminum was exactly, I think, what the Iraqis wanted for artillery,” recalls Thielmann, who says he sent that word up to the Secretary of State months before.
Houston Wood was a consultant who worked on the Oak Ridge analysis of the tubes. He watched Powell’s speech, too.

“I guess I was angry, that’s the best way to describe my emotions. I was angry at that,” says Wood, who is among the world’s authorities on uranium enrichment by centrifuge. He found the tubes couldn’t be what the CIA thought they were. They were too heavy, three times too thick and certain to leak.

"Wasn't going to work. They would have failed," says Wood, who reached that conclusion back in 2001.

Thielmann reported to Secretary Powell’s office that they were confident the tubes were not for a nuclear program. Then, about a year later, when the administration was building a case for war, the tubes were resurrected on the front page of The New York Times.

“I thought when I read that there must be some other tubes that people were talking about. I just was flabbergasted that people were still pushing that those might be centrifuges,” says Wood.

The New York Times reported that senior administration officials insisted the tubes were for an atom-bomb program.

“Science was not pushing this forward. Scientists had made their determination, their evaluation, and now we didn’t know what was happening,” says Wood.

In his U.N. speech, Secretary Powell acknowledged there was disagreement about the tubes, but he said most experts agreed with the nuclear theory.

“There is controversy about what these tubes are for. Most U.S. experts think they are intended to serve as rotors in centrifuges used to enrich uranium,” said Powell.

“Most experts are located at Oak Ridge and that was not the position there,” says Wood, who claims he doesn’t know anyone in academia or foreign government who would disagree with his appraisal. “I don’t know a single one anywhere.”
Why would the secretary take the information that Thielmann’s intelligence bureau had developed and turn it on its head?

“I can only assume that he was doing it to loyally support the President of the United States and build the strongest possible case for arguing that there was no alternative to the use of military force,” says Thielmann.

That was a case the president himself was making only eight days before Secretary Powell's speech. In his State of the Union address, the president said: “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa. Our intelligence sources tell us that he has attempted to purchase high-strength aluminum tubes suitable for nuclear-weapons production.”

After the war, the White House said the African uranium claim was false and shouldn’t have been in the president's address. But at the time, it was part of a campaign that painted the intelligence as irrefutable.

“There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us,” said Vice President **** Cheney.

Powell said: “My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we are giving you are facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence."

It was solid intelligence, Powell said, that proved Saddam had amassed chemical and biological weapons: “Our conservative estimate is that Iraq today has a stockpile of between 100 and 500 tons of chemical-weapons agent.”

He also said that part of the stockpile was clearly in these bunkers: “The four that are in red squares represent active chemical munitions bunkers. How do I know that, how can I say that? Let me give you a closer look.”

Up close, Powell said you could see a truck for cleaning up chemical spills, a signature for a chemical bunker: “It’s a decontamination vehicle in case something goes wrong.”

But Thielmann disagreed with Powell's statement: “My understanding is that these particular vehicles were simply fire trucks. You cannot really describe as being a unique signature.”
Satellite photos were also notoriously misleading, according to Steve Allinson, a U.N. inspector in Iraq in the months leading up to war.

Was there ever a time when American satellite intelligence provided Allinson with something that was truly useful?

“No. No, not to me. Not on inspections that I participated in,” says Allinson, whose team was sent to find decontamination vehicles that turned out to be fire trucks.

Another time, a satellite spotted what they thought were trucks used for biological weapons.

“We were told we were going to the site to look for refrigerated trucks specifically linked to biological agents,” says Allinson. “We found 7 or 8 of them, I think, in total. And they had cobwebs in them. Some samples were taken and nothing was found.”

If Allinson doubted the satellite evidence, Thielmann watched with worry as Secretary Powell told the Security Council that human intelligence provided conclusive proof.

Thielmann says that many of the human sources were defectors who came forward with an ax to grind. But how reliable was the defector information they received?

“I guess I would say, frequently we got bad information,” says Thielmann.

Some of it came from defectors supplied by the Iraqi National Congress, the leading exile group headed by Ahmed Chalabi.

“You had the Iraqi National Congress with a clear motive for presenting the worst possible picture of what was happening in Iraq to the American government,” says Thielmann.

But there was a good deal more in Secretary Powell’s speech that bothered the analysts. Powell claimed Saddam still had a few dozen Scud missiles.

“I wondered what he was talking about,” says Thielmann. “We did not have evidence that the Iraqis had those missiles, pure and simple.”
Last week, David Kay, the former chief U.S. arms inspector, said his team found no stockpiles of banned weapons. His assessment of 12 years of U.S. intelligence was this: "Let me begin by saying we were almost all wrong and I certainly include myself here. ... My view was that the best evidence that I had seen was that Iraq indeed had weapons of mass destruction."

Secretary Powell declined an interview for this broadcast. But as 60 Minutes II mentioned earlier, Powell told The Washington Post this week that he doesn't know if he would have recommended invasion if he'd know then that there were no stockpiles of weapons.

But Tuesday, he added this: "The bottom line is this. The president made the right decision. He made the right decision based on the history of this regime, the intention that this terrible leader, terrible despotic leader had the capabilities on a variety of levels. The delivery systems there were there, and nobody's debating that, the infrastructure that was there, the technical know-how that was there. The only thing we are debating are the stockpiles."

Thursday marks one year since Secretary Powell's U.N. speech. In that time, Thielmann has come to his own conclusion about the presentation. He believes the decision to go to war was made - and intelligence was interpreted to fit that conclusion.

"There's plenty of blame to go around. The main problem was that the senior administration officials have what I call faith-based intelligence. They knew what they wanted the intelligence to show," says Thielmann.

"They were really blind and deaf to any kind of countervailing information the intelligence community would produce. I would assign some blame to the intelligence community and most of the blame to the senior administration officials."

This week, President Bush said an independent commission will investigate the intelligence failures on Iraq.
That isn't a surprising admission that Powell didn't want to invade Iraq. He didn't want to in 1991, either.

NOTHING in the article is relevant to the President "lying".

Do you bother to read the stuff you cut and paste?

Even with my highly tuned selective perception :rolleyes: you've got nothing on the president intentionally deceiving the Country over Iraq. I don't know if I can say the same about Clinton's CIA guy George Tenet, however.
A Simple Answer:

Attention to all those who can't "get it".

Why isn't Bush impeached for lying?

Here's your answer:
President Clinton LIED under OATH during a deposition for a sexual harassment lawsuit. It is a CRIME to commit perjury (lying under oath). He was impeached and disbarred from practicing law. It didn't matter if the lawsuit was about sexual harassment, libel, or a personal injury. It was a lawful tort against another and one CANNOT lie during a deposition. It is criminal to do so.

The anti Bush crowd believes President Bush lied to the public about WMD. Even if he got it wrong (so far) about WMD it doesn't rise to the level of a LIE. Look the word up in the dictionary. To go one further, even if he did intentionally lie to the American people he committed NO CRIME as did Clinton. If the people feel decieved or lied to about WMD the punishment will be removal from office at the next election, not impeachment.

This is the best NO-SPIN way to explain the difference. If you can't see this then there's no hope for you.
UNGN,It's obvious you don't get it . It goes to credibility, the CIA warned that the intelligence should'nt be used and couldn't be trusted. That intelligence officer stated that the info was "molded" such as I said earlier. Your Selective Perception is getting the better of you :D
This is the Real important part: Fairth Based Intelligence

Thursday marks one year since Secretary Powell's U.N. speech. In that time, Thielmann has come to his own conclusion about the presentation. He believes the decision to go to war was made - and intelligence was interpreted to fit that conclusion.

"There's plenty of blame to go around. The main problem was that the senior administration officials have what I call faith-based intelligence. They knew what they wanted the intelligence to show," says Thielmann.

"They were really blind and deaf to any kind of countervailing information the intelligence community would produce. I would assign some blame to the intelligence community and most of the blame to the senior administration officials."

At least you didn't stoop to list 60 Mins. as a left wing, socilalist tool

This has been my argument all along
Originally posted by JDSfastGN
It is not rediculious. You act like an "oops turned out they didnt have them" is not a big deal. i don't care who thought they had weopons. Before you make a case for war, and send thousands of troops over there, you better be 99.999% sure they do, and the U.S. was not. And yes it is lies, when they have Colin Powell up in front of the media, holding pictures of wharehouses with trucks, claiming them to be moving WMD and the whare house to contain them. And what are you talking about, Bush said the exact words of "Imminent threat" many times, its you that needs to wake up and realize what is going on. There is a nice little soundclip goin around the internet, with all the times he said those exact words. If he was duped then its still not excusable, before you do something as big as a WAR, i you better double check to make sure they have the WMD, just because a previous administration thought the same thing doesn't mean crap, thats info is 3+ years old. The other nations believed it because we said so not because they knew any better. And even if by chance he did have WMD, we obviously do not have them, so if we don't then they are in the wrong hands anyways. Saddam never had the capability to attack us. The administration knew that they were not a threat, yet told us and the world they were.

It isn't rediculous to say Bush lied because there were no WMDs? You ARE brainwashed by all the left wing internet sites you go to. Bush NEVER said that Iraq was an IMMINENT threat. Only Democrats and left wingers tried to put that on Bush.