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Why Post Related Buick Materail When There Deleted???


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A Bozo in Buick
Feb 9, 2011
Here we go again. Deleting of post on a Either or Topic. It's turning out if your car's not built to Moderator's/Vendors specks here, your posts are all Void?.....What A Joke!!!

Case an Point:

First was REDS duelpump vs Ractroix Duel, Now Stock ECM or Aftermarket...

Thought this Forum was for all GN Buick owners to post about All There experiences.
All my post have been about personal experience with my 87GN,Not here say!Not playing follow the leader
Turn's out it's One Sided Forum for Venders an Mods only, that makes this an Infomercial Forum.
I've owned a gn since 86', there's many other ways to skin a cat then the BS being presented here an forced on people through the denial of All the Facts an other parts avaliable !!!

I've read "please support the Venders" An i Have Alot in the ""Thousands"" of Dollors!!!,It didn't say Agree with all Vendors or the Mod's or Else!!!

Bummer.....The Iron Curtin Falls......

One question, is this Forum based out of Canada???

I've seen the same thing on out of the State forums

If i'm to post the scantool video's an 2 differant dyno sheet run examples of 3 differant
"""Stock ECM Failuer's""",
I Expect Apoligie's from "they" know who....Then i expect there kissarse's to lay off!

1st removed an replaced motor.jpg

Boom #1, 1/8 mile headgasket,studded factory heads large valve,roller cam,50inj,te48

2nd r an r\'d motor.jpg

Boom #2 Headgasket 1/8 mile,60inj,t60 GN1 heads

3rd r an r\'d motor.jpg

Boom! #3 ,dropped #1 valve on brand new set GN1's with beehives,72inj,gt-71 little past the 1/8

All the Dyno an Scantool video info is Now up to the The Moderators..............

I don't expect Rose's,simple Sorry's fine

I'm sure that there's a good import forum somewhere looking for you right now.
maybe the guy working on your car is a ricer spy . and he used the wrong wrench . goodbye bozos.
Thanks to the mods for dealing with everything and helping to keep the board a better place to spend time. We appreciate it.
What I will say is when you act like an ass not to mention start a fight it's time you take a break.;) When a mod tells you to knock it of it means knock it off!:D You don't have to be nasty to get a point across and share info but you do need to behave like you'd like to be treated. If you can't do that then you will get smacked upside the head everytime.:p
"wear the dunce cap for a while"
Dang, Charlie, I am under the impression it is a permanent part of his attire...
Maybe, during his time out, he can sign up at the Sylvan Learning Center.
so what, exactly was this thread about?

and what do the grainy cell phone pics of the engine bay have to do with it?
Put the crack pipe down and step back from the computer...

Log out, don't come back ever. Problem solved:D

WTF are you even getting at? A freaking phone number was deleted, or did you get in a time machine and go back about 6 years:D
The origins of this were a guy having issues with his car and bozo stepped in to tell him it was the original puter causing the issue. A few others jumped in to say that you didn't need to go aftermarket to get fast times out of a TB and he preceded to berate everyone in general. I (in general) told them to stop and bozo jumped right back in and ignored me. Someone made a comment and he multi-quoted several and tried to rip them a new one saying they didn't know what they were talking about. I did a write over in bold of the post and he might as well cussed me out and that was pretty much the endo of it.;)
The origins of this were a guy having issues with his car and bozo stepped in to tell him it was the original puter causing the issue. A few others jumped in to say that you didn't need to go aftermarket to get fast times out of a TB and he preceded to berate everyone in general. I (in general) told them to stop and bozo jumped right back in and ignored me. Someone made a comment and he multi-quoted several and tried to rip them a new one saying they didn't know what they were talking about. I did a write over in bold of the post and he might as well cussed me out and that was pretty much the endo of it.;)

Thanks Charlie....

We don't have time to sit around and baby crack pots... If you do something after being asked not to and expecting a different outcome is crazy... This forum doesn't serve JUST ONE, people read this and enjoy it as much as others. No one person will disrupt the entire forum....
well ya have to admit ya do flap the gums a LOT :D Why not sit back and SHOW us what the CAR DOES.... Not what it could,should or would do :p

You saw it in the first post, It goes BOOM.

Come on episode Four!
I like seeing different set ups and people doing things differently, Weather they need id or not. which is why i really didn't mind his posts. And since i am one not to argue or try to fix crazy his post didn't bother. To me doing things different in the car hobby is what makes it fun and interesting other wise we would all have boring junk.
All we need are some pitchforks and the mob will be complete, Scary stuff.
Disclaimer-- Not taking sides.