Wife wants a Divorcee

people separate, break up & get divorces everyday, try to end this on good terms, in the future (after the divorce) if she wants you back, deny her the opportunity. she had her chance. move on & meet someone else. GOOD LUCK.
I'm also dual military. The chaplains office should have a marriage counselor, ask her to pursue that, if she doesn't want to...then give her what she wants and move on with your life. You're at Ft. Gordon, GA and you should be living like there is no tomorrow...I spent a year there, the woman to man ratio is almost as good as if you were at Ft. Sam. And then there is the college girls...Augusta is a blast if you're single. Just don't take the TR to Atlanta, ever.
You can borrow my Double Barrel shoutgun put it right between her eyes and pull the trigger, when a woman cheats is worst then when a man cheats, at least we are expected to do it because its in our nature, but women is a different story just think that a man's sperm lives in a women for a total of 3 days and you were probably slushing it around when she came home after being with him, Ki** the BiT**.

36 and still single pimping all the Wh**** in south CALI.

Sad to hear bro!,and i know it's hard,i've been through a bad experience,and it hurts,no doupt. Just keep you dignity and the respect of a man that you are. Life goes on,like one of our members said"time heals wounds"and it's very true,it's part of the ups and downs in this world,and it's called LIFE. Like i said, it will be hard,and if you ever find out she cheated,your feelings will get involved but not your thinking,but restrain yourself,and don't go and do something stupid,because its ****ed up feeling nonetheless,but everything happen for a reason, hope everything goes good later on in life for you,and you will find a better women,one that will respect you,and ect :cool:

P.s, one thing i have learned,have faith. it has gotten me through in life,
We were haveing some problems and had planed to go to some consouling after we got back from GA. It is kind of hard to do that from here. If we stay civil until we get back I plan to still try some consouling.
I just went through a divorce. It cost me a little over $10,000.00 to get rid of her lying cheating fat worthless ass. All in all it's the best money I've ever spent, but the joke's on her lover now. After all, I know what she's like to live with, and all I can say is good riddence to her.
Strahd_Zarovich said:
She offered me 12K to keep the house. I have thought lng and hard about it.

You need to have the house appraised and then whoever stays in the house gives the other person half of what you would get if you sold it (minus the payoff). In other words, one person walks away with half of the net gain if the house were sold. Based on what she is offering you, it would mean that the net gain on the sale of your house, after paying off the loan, would be 24K. And don't forget, technically you're supposed to pay income taxes on that money. Of course most guys in your situation wouldn't bother to report it.

Strahd_Zarovich said:
My wife asked for a Divorcee last weekend 26MAY06. I love this girl and would really like to work things out. Anyone been thought this? Is it worth all the headaches? I just can not imigen being with anyone else and it sickens me to think of her with someone else. She said that she needs to be alone for a while and swears that there is no one else in her life. She is just going thought a lot of changes in her life and job.

Help Please….

Do not let her get the t type.... Keep your head up....
txregal said:
Do not let her get the t type.... Keep your head up....

Good point. Don't forget you own everything jointly. All of the property has to be accounted for. One way or the other, if you get divorced you'll need a lawyer. You need to resolve as much as you can with your wife before you hire a lawyer. If the divorce is amicable and you have the details worked out, you can both hire one lawyer. If you don't resolve your financial issues, the lawyers will take most of your money.
When I got divorced, my ex tried to keep me away from my sons. Our divorce was very nasty and I ended up spending $75K on lawyers. I lost the money but I kept my sons.
Do you have kids? Going through a divorce is one of the hardest, most depressing things a person can go through. Be strong and keep busy. Don't sit around and let yourself get sad and overwhelmed by this thing. You will get over it. Find another woman as quickly as you can to fill the void. Just don't marry her.
Let me give you my advice , regardless of if she is cheating / isnt it dosnt matter when a woman wants out you hold the door open and let them leave . Then you move on as quickly as possible and forget the brooding and one true love **** . Bottom line is youll find someone else who may even be better for you . this never lose your temper yahada whatever advice is useless of course your gonna be angry , your feelings are on the line here its f48king emotional and your going to think of all the setimental stuff about her. Your first instinct may be to weld her into an oil drum and sink it but you cant do that. Be Mad , cry to a bartender and then move on quickly and dont look back . Theres so many ups and downs in life just try to maintain and take the situation and belive theres a reason for the way everything pans out ,maybe things one day will come around but dont wait for that day if it happens and your still interested you go from there . If you knew me personally and my romance life youd know what i mean . By the way im a pretty negative , vengefull just all out stresser but what im saying if 100% true , and your gonna make it . :wink:
No one here can make you do anything, But we have been through the same situation and 90% of the time it's better to walk away now.
turbosam6 said:
I don't care what she says she has most likely found someone else. Don't push things to stay with her, if she isn't 100% commited to the relationship it'll fail. Its better for it to fail now, than later. If she doesn't want to be with you find someone who does, life is too short to spend all your time trying to convince her to stay with you.

Best of luck, if you have kids, spend your time with them, if not, hang otu with your buddies, it helps take your mind off the pain.
Mine said, "I just want to be single." One month later she was living with another guy(more money and must have liked to go shopping as much as she). Claimed she always wanted to skydive, loved racquetball, Harleys, etc, etc. We get married- she's a prima donna mall hound(what a waste of 4 years). If she doesn't want to stay(in other words- she doesn't love you): you are MUCH better off without her. Enjoy being single for awhile(it's relaxing anyway). Save your affection and emotions for someone that will respond in kind, and loves the same things you do ;) .
BarnesGN said:
No one here can make you do anything, But we have been through the same situation and 90% of the time it's better to walk away now.

I agree with this dude. I just browse through the thread didnt get to read all, but if yall are having problems now they will more then likely be there later. In a relationship there must be trust, honesty, maturity, respect, along with love...I might have missed it but how long have yall been married? Are kids involved? Good luck to yall if yall decide to try to make it. Just know there is always someone out there right for you..You might not think so now, but when you find her you will know..I've been there, but what do I know Im a 25yr old fighting for custody of my son and car freak among the rest of us :p . Its your choice. You know her better then we do. Listen to your doubts if you have any, and question yourself "Why you have them and think long terms...Good Luck

What's the saying? "cheaper to keep her" <-----dont go by that :D