Women's Soccer Playoff Turns Ugly

This young lady needed her a$$ kicked all the way off the field and given a long suspension before being allowed back to play in another game.


Wow that chick is MEAN!!!!! She needs to meet a big bertha :biggrin:
A serious a$$beating by a girl about 1/2 her size, would go a LONG way toward correcting her attitude....As for the other player, she wasn't much less to blame...
In the words of Patches O'Houlihan, " All I know is that dyke can Play!"
BYU Fights Off New Mexico, 1-0 - ESPN Video - ESPN

This young lady needed her a$$ kicked all the way off the field and given a long suspension before being allowed back to play in another game.


Young lady, come on what young lady plays soccer? NONE

No punches thrown, meh just the typical soccer stuff that just happened to get caught on media.

All those players are high on testosterone . . .

Later AJ
Wow, when is the next game. In fairness looks like that other chick was giving it right back to her during the game. Then she tried to give her a front wedgie right before she threw her down.:biggrin:
See the kind of women we have to put up with here?

new mexicos a rough place for dating!:eek:

i wish you guys had met my ex wife..... I think she left more scars then my buick ever has.

AMI??? I would have NEVER guessed that. She seemed so sweet and quiet. Damn. :frown:

See the kind of women we have to put up with here?

new mexicos a rough place for dating!:eek:

i wish you guys had met my ex wife..... I think she left more scars then my buick ever has.

Ok, maybe she was a little rough. I never played soccer but I love watching the Premier League in England.

Soccer is such a panzy sport tho. Any type of contact gets you a yellow card most of the time. I thought it was refreshing to see a soccer player actually play like a man for once. Lol.... and it happend to be a female.

The other girl was fuken with her as well by elbowing her in the chest and grabbing the front of her pants. She was entertaining, which is more then I can say for any other womens soccer game I have seen....:rolleyes:
AMI??? I would have NEVER guessed that. She seemed so sweet and quiet. Damn. :frown:


one previous to that.....Tiffany was her name.... Ami wasnt quite a wife yet.... almost... but I made sure that didnt happen!


That player seems like she might be bat-**** crazy.

But, I wonder if she's single???? :p