I had the car in my shop a couple weeks ago building a downpipe and other little bits. While It was there I changed the oil and it had zero trash in the oil other than excess fuel from a previous stuck injector. Richard thinks it has maybe 500 miles on it before he got it and the most he and I had done was move it in and out of the trailer. It broke while he was spooling the turbo against the footbrake. What's left of the pin/rod/piston is seized up. What else could cause it to break a rod like that? It certainly didn't brake from too much power or rpm. I supposed there could have been a major flaw inside the rod, but even then it shouldn't have broken with almost no load unless the wrist pin was locked up.
I hate this for Richard because it's a really slick car with lots of potential and a really cool set of iron 14 bolt production style heads on it. It killed a like new 4.1 off center stage 2 block and frustrated the heck out of him.