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Wrecked GN


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Looks like somebody's kid got ignorant and slid it into a telephone pole. There should be an minimum age limit on driving these cars. Crashing a Cavalier or an Escort is perfectly acceptable.
I didn't see a brown spot on the drivers seat. I would expect that would be the case with a crash like that...

With great power comes great responsibility. I just hope that the "KID" is all right.
4500!!! right now... wow.. If I ever sell Psycho 6 I wont feel babad asking for my price..... 17 bids.....not bad.... That was sure a clean car. Hurts to look at it that way....
It doesn't say anywhere that the "kid" was driving it or that he lost control of it. I also don't remember the "kid's" age mentioned. It could be a 50 year old and his 30 year old son. Sorry but it irritates me to see people assume that every young driver is irresponsible, and also to assume that a 40 year old can't get stupid and lose control of their car. I've seen a guy who owns a super gas car almost roll his street car on cruise night because he lost control of it. It can happen to anyone who lets their guard down and gets careless. Also that could have been another car that ran a red light or something.

Off my soapbox now.

It doesn't say anywhere that the "kid" was driving it or that he lost control of it. I also don't remember the "kid's" age mentioned.

I was tempted to say something similar but decided I'd just let everyone have their fun. But I agree, no reason to assume the "kid" did anything.
$4500. What a joke. I bought a running and not in bad shape GN for $6500. Tools. :rolleyes:
It doesn't say anywhere that the "kid" was driving it or that he lost control of it. I also don't remember the "kid's" age mentioned. It could be a 50 year old and his 30 year old son. Sorry but it irritates me to see people assume that every young driver is irresponsible, and also to assume that a 40 year old can't get stupid and lose control of their car. I've seen a guy who owns a super gas car almost roll his street car on cruise night because he lost control of it. It can happen to anyone who lets their guard down and gets careless. Also that could have been another car that ran a red light or something.

Off my soapbox now.


That car hit something inanimate and vertical, while traveling sideways. Had to be a tree, telephone pole, bridge support - something like that. And let's face it, you have to go with the odds. I'd bet it was the kid that wrecked it.

That guy made out pretty well. I paid $5,600 for mine in '99 (car AND repairs). It was a total, but obviously not that bad (needed 1/4s and paint).

It doesn't say anywhere that the "kid" was driving it or that he lost control of it. I also don't remember the "kid's" age mentioned. It could be a 50 year old and his 30 year old son.

Oh come on now. The way it is worded tips off who did what and how old the kid was. Even if that was a 70 YO father and a 50 YO son project that wouldn't have happened. Age and maturatity do make a difference. We all were teen agers and now we are all a little older and a lot wiser. You take on a new perspective when you have to foot the bills. Regardless of whether you're an idiot or not.

I doubt the kid would have walked away if that father and son project was a Honda. How's that for stereotyping?:mad:
You guys are right. I did jump to conclusions, and I do apologize. That's just the impression I got from what I read. I typed before I bad :( If you look at the two pics where the car is in the grass on the side of the road, in one the car is just past a telephone pole with a police cruiser sitting behind it. It's also in the middle of a curve. I'd say somebody ( although we can't be sure it was a kid) swapped ends in that curve and tagged the pole.
I will concede that I've done my fair share of stupid stuff in a car, but at the same time i've seen older people do equally dumb stuff in theirs. You've seen it too I'm sure. It could have been an 18 year old who lost control of his dad's car, but it could have been the dad driving it too. My dad did some crazy s**t with me in the car when I was younger. Thinking back on it makes me want to go slap him. :biggrin:

I just thought it was worth discussing, since some were so quick to know exactly what happened by looking at a picture with almost no description. We should email the seller and wage bets on what really happened. :D As was stated before, I hope that the driver is ok, and I also doubt that it really sold for that much. For those wondering, I'm 24, and during my 4 years of GN ownership i've never even been pulled over in it (except the day I bought it, because I had no tag).

Thanks for the honest reply Dewey!