WTB:Aluminum Radiator support

SIGH.... I don't know WHY i'm gonna comment because it's gonna start a pissing match but here goes....

Screw it. Edited short version: "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". If you want to pay the junkyard rate for one, you are probably gonna have to go scout one out for yourself. They are not easy to find, not easy to remove, not easy to ship, and I haven't ever gotten one for $40. I've sold 4 of them on here, three of them were for $250 plus ship, one had a dent in the top and was $225 plus ship. The fifth one is still here, it's got some odd damage and I might just use it myself. I've scoped out a LOT of gbodies to get these. If they weren't worth a good profit i'd leave them there. And since those old junkyards' days are numbered, they'd get crushed. Not to sound cocky but I'm beginning to think I'm altering the market for them on this forum. People have paid upwards of $500 for these things. Nobody loves a stranger on the internet enough to sell something for a fraction of what it's obviously worth. It's supply and demand. Demand happens to be greater than supply, so if you don't want to pay the internet price for one, you will probably not get one while sitting behind your keyboard.

If I added up all the hours and fuel i've spent scouring junkyards for desireable parts, and divivded it by the amount of money i've made on the parts I've sold, I would be well under minimum wage. Sacking groceries would be less work and more profit. So you can stop the "getting rich" bullshit. I should let it all get crushed. It's happening more every single day. I finally made it to one yard that was on my list, he said he crushed 200 cars a couple months before I got there. Who knows what I might have saved....

No hard feelings but that's the way it is. :)
I paid $300 for the one I have and then didn't use it when I had a new header and paint job done on my car 2 years ago. I thought it was 17 pounds off the nose which is cheap weigh distribution change. Like the man said nobody is twisting your arm.