www.GNXregistry.com 1987 - 2007


Apr 7, 2002

I created stand alone website for GNX's and will bounce message board back here as a link on GNXregistry.com .:. 1987 BUICK GNX REGISTRY OFFICIAL WEB SITE..

for example: GNX # 059 - GNXregistry.com .:. 1987 BUICK GNX # 059 OFFICIAL WEB SITE.
that is it for each one eventually the idea

History, photos, videos, car fax, information will be limited by yuor input... plus it will help the value and preservation of history for each car... if it isn't real or have history to prove it is an actual it will not be listed.

I just brought it online and I am looking for help, any help -- any where, information -- photos --- text, you want to be a part of GNXregistry.com, step up...

If your a owner - past owner - wanna be owner with information, please help - email GNregistry@aol.com or reply here or individually.

I have until January 19, and then I will be limited with computer access due to surgery (full left hip replacement - due to military injury - jumping out of planes ). then rehab -- then it is time to get ready for GS Nationals. So there is a lot to do and add to the site and tweak.

Currently I have on video GNX # 001, 031, 165, 375, photos and link to GNX #298 hybrid gn/gnx rebuild clone with real parts, ummmm I don't know what to call it, photos of GNX # 033 - (ASC Founder previous owner - sunroof) plus history coming soon...

1986 Buick GNX 001 "Prototype"

Home page includes 10 GNX's

Check it out and make suggestions...
