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  • Shane I have a friend trying to sign up but he is not getting a confirmation e-mail??
    sb2fast or sbgofast.....he tried twice?
    what could he be doing wrong?
    Shane, would it be possible to create an "Autocross" section under TECH AREA? I have been posting info in the Autocross/Road Racing area of Racing Rules and got scolded by moderator. I can see his point but where do I post now? He suggest the General Area but that is too broad and posts WILL get lost there due to high traffic there. Can you help those of us that like to turn corners?
    Hey man. One of our guys shows banned due to spamming. Can you check into it for me?? Its Getchasum from Morganton, and he asked me to look into it.. thx
    Hey Shane. Long time no see. I posted the story of what happened to my car at GBody parts. I wanted to tell you so that it would be a surprise when you saw it on the site. I didn't do any name calling or bad mouthing. I simply told the story as it happened. I even left out things that would make it harder for Brian to recover from but everything in there is the God's honest truth.
    hi, i have a 97 buick century, i just put in a battery in, started the car, it was loud boom, and drives like garbage, it idles really hard. ive had someone told to reset my ecu. i was wondering if you know how i reset the ecu? i appreciate for you taking your time to reply.
    Have you played with or know anything about the Sig Sauer M400 AR15 rifle.
    I have read & search the AR15 forum and looked at videos on u-tube.
    Haven't seen anyone with bad experience.
    What kind of used AR's do you have and how would they compare to the Sig?
    My cell is 919-270-6978 and I an up till 9:15 PM. I get up at 5AM so I turn in with the chickens.
    Shane, a guy told me he was interested in sponsoring the E85 Section. I have his phone number. Shoot me an e-mail to and I will give you his phone number so you two can talk.
    Hello! I am interested in "Donating" a Stage Right Transbrake Kit (NEW), maybe more than (1) for the Nationals, and possibly a few other parts. Please contact me if you are interested. My number is 386-243-0235, you could call up until 12AM EST, and I'll check my email and PMs. Thanks, John Lynn
    Shane! I have a feeback on a Exchause system From RJC that i put on a customers car up here trying to help out the Vendors on selling there stuff no responce from the Company. Can you please remove thanks Dan. that will be the last time i do that.
    I thought I would let you know Torquemonster is back (GN Powermasters) possibly using a different name or getting someone to post parts for sale. The GNX dash in parts has a ebay link straight to his store. Thought I would give ya a heads up. Hope all is well.
    I want some of them door panels, how much would it cost if i get them to hold 1 5 1/4 speaker and cut out to fit it in that gloss black??
    I'm sure you have to deal with knuckleheads all the time so I apologize in advance. I put my email in a thread in the cars wanted section under the GN SE VA post. Turbo bob suggested that you might be able to strike it. I'd appreciate it if you could and I'll try and keep the stupidity to a minimum. Thanks
    Hey.. my friend Jackie87GN signed up ! ! Slowly growin the GN ladies crew. Whats the status on the ladies foirum ?? I have more gals from facebook wanting to sign up when its done. THANKS :)
    Just stoppin in to say hi and introduce myself. I heard from Jennifer that a ladies forum is in the works? I am so excited about it, never would have thought my little social group would turn into a forum.. THATS GREAT!!! I saw on the "lookin for Ladies" thread I started.. one lady joined just because of the posting... and I think there are more out there like her. Let me know if I can help in any way. Thanks ! -- Kristina / GNGAL
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