hate to burst your bubble but
that wallace calc doesnt work using 60' becuse they base the 60 of a typical hp and to lower 60 they assume a HP increase ,
you can bild more boost and launch with more getting to your target boost faster and that will cut down the 60' but you still have your boost at target so HP hasnt increased , with a better 60' all you gain is that time back that you made up in the 60,( unless car still hasn't reached target boost until past the 60')
a better way is to look at your trap speed and see what your hp is , then take vehicle weight and calculate where your et should be for the hp and weight
my calcs put a 3700lb car with 120.6 at 11.3 . 506hp, 7.185 1/8 (approx 95.5), lighter will be faster